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Full Version: assigning two function for a single button
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How would I be able to assign two function to a single button so they execute one function on the first pressing and execute the second function on second pressing?
For example if I made a button (+/-) that should actually display + sign when I click for the first time while clicking second time should display - sign.
use lambda in each button 'command' to pass a button number to the event handler,
Example (using lambda):
import tkinter as tk

class SimpleButtons:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.parent = parent
        # parent.title('lambda button test')

    def event_handler_for_lambda(self, button_no):
        if button_no == 1:
            print('Button 1 was pressed')
        elif button_no == 2:
            print('Button 2 was pressed')

    def example_1(self):
        buttons = []
        for btn_no in range(1, 3):
            buttons.append(tk.Button(self.parent, text='Button {}'.format(btn_no), padx=10, pady=10,
                command=lambda btn_no = btn_no: self.event_handler_for_lambda(btn_no)))
            buttons[btn_no-1].grid(row = btn_no-1, column = 0)

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()

if __name__ == '__main__':
You can also use bind and extract widget name in the event handler, but method above is a bit easier
You will have to use some constant to count the number of clicks, but first decide the time limit between clicks, i.e. when is it 2 single clicks and when is it one double click. Using the left button and the middle button would be easier to code.
For identifying single/double click see: