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Full Version: Tuple Unpacking
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Can anyone help me with Tuple unpacking term? If given example, that will help me to understand more clearly.
Let's say you have tuple:
person = ('Daniel', 18, 'chess')
then you can unpack these tuple values by assigning them to variables (number of variables must be the same as number of values in tuple), like this (tuple unpacking):
name, age, hobby = person
and the variables values are now:
print('Name: {}, age: {}, hobby: {}'.format(name, age, hobby))
Name: Daniel, age: 18, hobby: chess
(Jan-23-2019, 02:10 PM)mlieqo Wrote: [ -> ](number of variables must be the same as number of values in tuple)
Just to expand a bit. Above is correct, but in python3 you have also extended iterable unpacking. You can do
>>> spam, eggs, *rest = 1, 2, 3, 4
>>> spam
>>> eggs
>>> rest
[3, 4]
>>> spam, *foo, eggs = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
>>> spam
>>> eggs
>>> foo
[2, 3, 4]
Note that using asterisks makes the respective variable catch-all.
If we have tuple numbers=(1,2,3). We can unpack its values into a, b, and c variables. This is how tuple unpacking can be done:
>>> nums=(1,2,3)
>>> a,b,c=nums
>>> a
>>> b
>>> c