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Full Version: Grep command and variable in a script
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Hi, I'm creating a script wherein I want to grep all a specific address based on the list?

before what I usually do run a grep 1 by 1 using this command ex. grep "" *

Now I'm creating a script.

Example of the output.
print(i) output.

but how to call the list and put into loop under os.system so I can grep all the list?

import ipaddress
import os
#Ask the ipaddress in CIDR format
ip = input("Enter the IP/CIDR: ")

print("pwd=%s" % os.getcwd())

for i in ipaddress.IPv4Network(ip):
    print (i)
    os.system("grep" +i+ "*") #Grep from list and run to all directory *
set addr equal to the ip you want to grep:

import subprocess

cmd = "grep " + addr

returned_value = subprocess.check_output(cmd)

print('returned value:', returned_value)