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trying to start learning p3
Install the package for MacOS from v3.7.2
All the lessons and courses describe the IDLE menu containing RUN menu.
I do not have it.
I checked installing onto the older Mac - the same.
Checked the lessons, courses and forums - people do not have such a problem.
Probably because the all use releases prior to 3.7.2 and base their samples on that version.

How do I return the IDLE to the learnable condition?

Menu now: File | Edit | Shell | Debug | Options | Window | Help
When you start IDLE, it's in interactive mode (Python shell). You can tell, because there is >>>. Window title is Python shell
In interactive mode the code is executed immediatelly and you will need to type everything over and over again. What you want is to write your code and save it as an .py file
Now go to File->New File will open new window. This is where you should write your code and save it before you run it. In this second window there is Run menu.
When you run the file you saved, the result will be visible in the Python shell.
All that said IDLE is considered very poor editor.

[Image: openfile.jpg]

also you may want to check different options to run your code
thanks a lot!
I knew that it's something simple but without your help hardly we could go further
thank you!