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Full Version: Using pickle.dump
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Hi all,

I am new to Python and i am learning it with a book trying all the exemple there.
Now i use the first time the module pickle, and tehre was an example to something simple into a file on my PC. the code was the following :
tel = [('Tim','123'),('Jenny','456'),('Max','789')]
import pickle
data = file('myfile.txt','w')
the text file was generated,but with some strage random letters/numbers, this is part of the result :

i also tried a simple string (tel = 'abc'), same result.

What is wrong in this code ?

thanks in advance
you want open() not file, and 'wb' not 'w' for write bytes. And you may a well use the with keyword which is more pythonic.
with open('myfile.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(tel, f)