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Full Version: Does anyone have a link for learning more about python libraries?
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Pls provide link for learning more about python libraries .
This is a very vague question.
which libraries?, the standard library?
what about libraries?, how to use them?, how to create them? etc.
If you mean the standard libraries, you can just scan the docs or even read through them all one by one

However if you mean 3rd party libraries, there are so many. Its impossible to know all of them. Its more what is more known and used. And you only get to know them by reading forums and responses of what people use. If 98% of people use library A, and a couple people use library B that Joe Blow made. I would go with library A. Usually there is a 3rd party library to do anything in python. Sometimes there is one, and sometimes there is a lot. But everyone's top 10 libraries would be different as they do different tasks with python. It all depends on what you want to do with python I guess if you wanted to know the top 5 trendy 3rd party libs
*me* wants to learn them all but knows there are way too many for there to be any hope of that being possible.
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned Python Module of the Week yet.