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VERY important question, guys: How do I get a Python IDE to look like one of those old-fashioned terminals with green text from the Fallout games?

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Fallout terminals
Visual Studio Code (...and most IDEs) has themes. Here's a green one:
This one also looks promising:

Or you could use vim/emacs, and set the colors of your terminal to whatever you want.
(Apr-01-2019, 07:55 PM)nilamo Wrote: [ -> ]Or you could use vim/emacs, and set the colors of your terminal to whatever you want.
2nd this. It would be quite easy and similar to a pipboy to just use vim and change the vimrc file. It would have a pipboy appearance as a terminal, and the natural black background anyways. I would be surprised if someone didnt already make a pipboy vimrc config file already.
do you want all the CRT effects, too? or is green text good enough?
(Apr-05-2019, 04:52 AM)Skaperen Wrote: [ -> ]do you want all the CRT effects, too? or is green text good enough?

Effects would be awesome! And sound effects!
Don't know an IDE, but maybe this project helps:
I found a method. You have to use linux (or Putty for using a linux server etc.)

Download this

execute these commands
chmod a+x Cool-Retro-Term-1.1.1-x86_64.AppImage
Then change the text settings to green.

and then use any editor that is in the terminal such as VIM or Emacs. My screenshot is of my terminal use Vim on a script.


I didnt realize Standard_user already answered that.