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I'm trying to use this script to extract files from

Ran the script, but I'm not sure what the proper syntax is to get it do what I want (never used Python).
I tried typing "--info" (without quotes) and other variations including the filename, but I get various errors. The file is in the same folder as the Python script, FYI.

I don't know Python's syntax and I'm sure you could figure it out in a second.
(Mar-30-2019, 04:58 AM)someguy Wrote: [ -> ]I tried typing "--info" (without quotes) and other variations including the filename, but I get various errors. The file is in the same folder as the Python script, FYI.
What various errors?

Quick test.
λ git clone
Cloning into 'zbthumbnail-extractor'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 18, done.
remote: Total 18 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 18
Unpacking objects: 100% (18/18), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

λ cd zbthumbnail-extractor\

# Did download a for test
E:\div_code\xy\zbthumbnail-extractor (master)
λ python --info
0 JPEGs discovered.

# Without
E:\div_code\xy\zbthumbnail-extractor (master)
λ python --info
usage: [-h] [--info INFO] error: argument --info: expected one argument
So it work as excepted,if i have had thumbnail files:
Quote:If accurately discovers thumbnail files then it will a folder with the following name
'{filename}-{uuid4}/' under which it will put the stored images, e.g. image-0001.jpg, image-0002.jpg.
When I run the script it gives me this:

usage: [-h] [--info INFO]

Extract JPG from files. NOTE: May also be applicable to
Thumbs.db at users own risk.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --info INFO  Optional: Single file to read.
But nothing happens. It doesn't create any images or folders, even though the file is in the same folder as the Python script. So I thought I would have to type "--info" as a command to get it to run, but I just get syntax/name/trackeback errors.
Can not run it as a script,it's made to be used from command line cmd or cmder as i use.
Nevermind. I thought this was the only way, but apparently you can grab any ol' JPEG extractor to get the images out.

I used MultiExtractor which lets you view and extract individual images. While ExtractJPEG will extract all of them into the folder.