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Full Version: counting the occurence of a specified number in a numpy-matrix
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There is a numpy-matrix with a couple column and about 100000 row. For now, only the last element of each row is important.
I wish to count, that how many row has the number 1 as the last element. Then how many row has the number 2 as the last element, and so on (until the number 1000). It would be also good, if i could count, how many row has greater then 1000 as the last element.

Is there any solution for this problem (without to write a code with tausends of lines)?

Or is there any way, to copy past the values of a matrix from Spyder IDE to Libreoffice Calc?
Oké, it seems, i have a solution. The newer versions of the Spyder IDE support the copy paste.