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Full Version: Run python script in RPi2 from ssh session
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If I run a python script on a RPi2 from an ssh session, that script stops once the ssh session is terminated.  How do I make that python script run in the RPi2 indefinitely and irrespective of what happens with the ssh session?  Just run it from the local pi user?  I don't have a monitor on my pi so is there a way to make it run as local from a remote computer?
Just add an ampersand at the end of the command line. For example
$ python
$ python &
Hi, thanks. Where does that line go exactly?

Currently I ssh into the pi, go to the python script's directory and type:

So you're saying that if I type in the line first, itll make my script run indefinitely and irrespective of ssh session state?

Thx again.
Just add "&" at the end of that line. (Not sure if a space is necessarily; I always use it.) But yes, the script will continue running after you kill your ssh session. Let me know if that doesn't work, but I tested it right before making that post.

Also for a fancier solution consider read this. In the past, it was more trouble than it was worth for me but it's still pretty awesome.
Look at tmux. You can create a session, run some program in it and then detach from the session. Every time you login to a machine locally or remotely you can attach to this session by its name and see what is going on with the program/script. You can create "windows", panes and run what you want in every pane. 

Just the first from DuckDuckGo: Basic tmux Tutorial - Windows, Panes, and Sessions over SSH - Youtube.
Thanks! Gr8 stuff! Im using tmux