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I have been using AutoHotKey for running a game simulating a player.
This has been reasonably successful but have come up with some problems that I cannot work round and have been looking for alternative ways of being able to access a Windows Running app window and being able to insert key and mouse strokes and interrogate the client view area so I can determine its contents down to pixel level and thought that Python would be able to do that.

I have been using the AutoHotKey associated IDE but used Visual Studio Code for my Python endeavours.

I have been trying to get Python to use the Win32 interface but have so far failed.
I have tried to find a Python wind32 extension and thought I could use pywin32 but have not been able to setup that under VS Code so am here asking what other IDE's there are for a developer working on Windows that is simple to setup and allows use of the win32 interface?
ok, thanks for the VS code setup guide.
I have gone through that but still get no module found for win32gui from import win32gui
Have you any hints as to where that would come from?

Never mind. I found out I had not installed pywin32 into my python files.
Done that and off I got to do more coding and testing.