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I am trying the above code for my assignment. It's giving me error message saying invalid syntax. On the second line
(Apr-06-2019, 08:30 PM)Nomathemba Wrote: [ -> ]I am trying the above code for my assignment. It's giving me error message saying invalid syntax. On the second line

Please create your own new thread, post a minimal code sample (your own code in python code tags) for the specific part your stuck on, explain what you expect to happen and what is actually happening and any errors received in error tags.
I've split the thread, so you no longer need to create a new one. (In fact - please don't create a new thread.) That said, the rest of Yoriz' post should be followed carefully.
I don't see any code, can you show the code and the error so it will be easier for us to understand? Maybe this «url snipped» can be solved from an online source or tools.
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