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Full Version: Help loading INT from a file.
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hello, I'm new here, and new to python. so please be patient with me lol Smile
I'm making an app to track my cycling miles. I need to be able to load saved "miles" from a file and set the int to a global variable to be used by the app, and the reverse when miles are added I need to save or update the save file.
easiest way would be great, I'm new and its just a simple app. iv researched several ways to do it, but its all confusing to me.
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Big Grin
What have you tried? We're not big on writing code for people here, but we would be happy to help you fix your code when you run into problems. When you do run into problems, please post your code in Python tags, and clearly explain the problem you are having, including the full text of any errors.