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Full Version: Chatbot with word2vec
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Hey there

I'm working my way into the chatbot topic right now. I already did some projects with rasa nlu and chatterbot.

Now I want to take the next step and want to create one with word2vec or seq2vec. Building my own corpus and train it with either a Reddit or Wikipedia corpus.

Unfortunately, I don't find good readings, tutorials on the internet. My goal is to create my own corpus (FAQ corpus and General information about my university).

Does anyone have some good readings on this topic? And more important, what's the best way to built the corpus?

- Can I simply put all my answers in a csv?

- do I need to do question (column A) - answer (column B) in the csv

- can I put all the information as continuous text in a text file?

- Is is better to do it the same way as with rasa nlu? with integer and then possible answers?

Thanks a lot for all your answers
