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I need help since i can't manage to make a decision since it will end up being a pretty uninformed selection.

I have written an extensive script for deployment and configuration of servers which is pretty much based on imcsdk module (cisco-server sdk) which today uses .csv files as a data storage of serial, IP, mac and such information.

However it is in dire need of beeing re-written for several reasons.

First reason is that we need to be able to have more information stored in an efficient way which you can extract easily such as hardware specs and other logged values in the process when checking that the server is healthy (everything from checking that components exists to the voltage of the cmos-battery).
As you can imagine, storing such vast amounts of data relative to the current width of data-storing causes .csv files to be insufficient since there are houndreds of servers in production at all times.
Second reason is that the script is basicly outdated and was not written to be as modular as we discovered is required to keep up with the increasing demand of tasks to be executed on the servers. Whenever a new task is needed it is added in a way which ends up making the script quite messy.
Third reason is python version. The current script is in python2.7 and we need to upgrade to python3.

So what i have tried and failed to do is find the best sql module for our enviroment. Initially we looked at sqlite3 but it got scrapped quite soon since the script uses multiprocess and gets and writes data it becomes highly unstable.
I also looked at netbox but soon realized it is above my head and i do not have the knowledge to be able to make use of it.
Currently i am looking at postgreql which seem to be simple enough for me to use and easy enough to write a custom api for to easy make use of in any additional patches in the future.

I am fairly new to python and programming in general. At this time i know enough to write the deployment system we have, but i lack alot of basic knowledge such as a beeing able to write a class and actually understanding it.

If you need more insight in how the script is written and how it operates i would be happy to shed some more light on it and show parts of it but i will not post it publicly because of the nature of he use of the script.

Please help me with this, i do apologise for my spelling and grammar but im simply too tired to make an effort to seem more educated :P.
And also, if this is all insanely incoherent im sorry about that aswell, im really exhausted and am aware there is a 50-50 chance that im not clear with what im trying to say. If so, i am truly sorry. If not, yay :).

Best regards,