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Full Version: Can't seem to install pywapi
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I'm glad I found this place. I hope I can get a simple issue resolved.  First some info:

Linux adamsmdk 4.4.39-desktop-1.mga5 #1 SMP Fri Dec 16 18:43:46 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Python 2.7.9

I am trying to install pywapi to get some weather info for a non-python project. Pip seems to have an issue with pywapi:

# pip install pywapi
Collecting pywapi
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pywapi (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for pywapi
I am not really conversant in Python, so forgive me if this is a simple thing that I should be able to figure out with information at hand, but I'd really appreciate some guidance in this.

Thanks much.

It's a little old,hosted on Google Code which has been shut down.
So not all old Python module use pip,you have to do it the old way.
You download an unpack,then cd into(from treminal) to folder with
Then python install

I just made a tutorial with some weather stuff,you can look at it here.
Snippsat, today you are my hero.

Thank you very  much.   Smile