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Full Version: Decorator staticmethod Use Cases
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A method defined inside a class with the decorator @staticmethod can be executed without creating a class object. However, the same can be done even if the decorator was not used:


So, why should we bother about using @staticmethod?
If you make an instance of a class that has a staticmethod that takes arguments with no decorator it will expect self as the first argument.
class SomeClass:
    def somemethod(something):

it_fails = SomeClass()
TypeError: somemethod() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Using the @staticmethod stops it expecting self as the first argument
class SomeClass:
    def somemethod(something):

its_ok = SomeClass()
its_ok.somemethod('Does not fail')
Does not fail
To expand on what Yoriz said, there are three basic use cases for class methods in Python:
  • You need access to the instance: use a method with no decorator, and the instance will be automatically provided as the first parameter. This is your standard run of the mill method.
  • You need access to the class: use a method with the classmethod decorator, and the class will be automatically provided s the first parameter. I often use these for alternate constructors.
  • You don't need access to the instance or the method: use a method with the staticmethod decorator. This is for code you want to keep associated with the code, but isn't necessarily focused on a particular instance or the class itself.

Thanks to both of you for your generous explanations of the concept in question. The example given has helped me understand it better.
