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Full Version: [turtle]How would I create gravity?
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I want to make a simple platforming game where the player must reach the end, but at the moment I just have 2-way movement (right and left) is there any way I could simulate gravity?

Some notes: I am not using pygame.

Edit: here is the code I have,

import turtle
import time
pause = 0.1
Screen = turtle.Screen()
Screen.setup(width=1280, height=720)
Screen.tracer(0)#turns off the screen updates

Block = turtle.Turtle()
Block.speed(0)#no slow down with animation speed
Block.color("black")#color not colour
Block.penup()#stops drawing
Block.goto(0,0)#spawns in
Block.direction = "stop"#cant you read

def go_up():
    Block.direction = "up"

def go_down():
    Block.direction = "down"

def go_left():
    Block.direction = "left"

def go_right():
    Block.direction = "right"
def move():
    if Block.direction == "up":
        y = Block.ycor()
        Block.sety(y + 20)
    elif Block.direction == "down":
        y = Block.ycor()
        Block.sety(y - 20)

    elif Block.direction == "left":
        x = Block.xcor()
        Block.setx(x - 20)

    elif Block.direction == "right":
        x = Block.xcor()
        Block.setx(x + 20)


Screen.onkeypress(go_up, "w")
Screen.onkeypress(go_down, "`")
Screen.onkeypress(go_left, "a")
Screen.onkeypress(go_right, "d")

while True:
Just drop the piece a little every turn. You could just put this at the end of the move function:

y = Block.ycor()
Block.sety(y - 10)
Of course, gravity is an acceleration, not just a speed. you could have a variable gravity that starts at -10, decreases by 10 every turn, but increases by 20 (to a max of -10) if you go up. Since you are not using OOP, I would say make that a variable in your while True loop, pass it to move as a parameter, and return the updated value back to the while loop.
hm, seems you should add gravity, but just as ichabod801 said, it will need to accelerate, but at the same time not let the turtle escape the screen. I haven't worked with pygame, but I've seen a similar problem and solution on stackoverflow:

according to this, you would have to determine your initial gravity and just add to it.
Do something like:
speed_y = 0
while True:
    speed_y -= 1
    y = block.ycor()
Though this would create a problem making the player fall through the floor.
Assuming you have a square for a floor(with size 15) right underneath the block:
def touch_ground():
    while turtle.distance(square) < 15:
        speed_y = 0

while True:
    speed_y -= 1
    y = Block.ycor()
Long time ago they had a demo of the earth and moon rotating the sun. it can be found here: