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Full Version: Rewriting an applications in Python
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We have a C#/.net application. It is becoming obsolete. I am thinking we could rewrite it in Python.
The application has an extensive GUI (too much for a web interface) and interfaces with an MS-SQL db. I have tested out the basics of these in Python 3 and it works. Help me with reasons to present to management why Python is a good choice. Thanks!
What do you really mean:

- C# vs Python
- C#+ASP vs Python+Django
- C#+Winforms vs Python+wxPython
- C#+WPF vs Python+PyQt
- ...
Thanks for your reply. The C# application uses WinForms. Some of the Python I mentioned that I wrote is with Tkinter. It could do the job I think, but grid layout is a headache. I would also like to try PyQt5 as it appears to have a layout manager similar to the Java Swing layout. I haven't looked at wxPython. I don't know anything about Django, but I see it is described as a Web framework, so I don't think it is applicable in this case.
(Jun-02-2019, 08:09 PM)falsedmitri Wrote: [ -> ]I would also like to try PyQt5 as it appears to have a layout manager similar to the Java Swing layout.
check the licensing for PyQt.
I would definitely recommend looking at wxPython Phoenix - here is gallery
PySide2 is like PyQt but the license is less strict.
Sorry, I forgot the link: