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Full Version: remove tags from BeautifulSoup result
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Please, I am just learning:
Can anyone tell me how I can remove the tags in the below output(Result) and get my answer in an array like
Address = [a,b,c,d,r......]
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
print('bs4 imported.')
url = ''
url_get = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(url_get.content, 'html.parser')
address=soup.find_all('p', class_="nospc")
# First 2 addresses of the places of attraction
# Result:
<p class="nospc">Address: Nobels gate 32, N-0268 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Akershus Festning, 0015 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Frederiks gate 2, 0164 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Universitetsgata 13, Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Tøyengata 53, 0578 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Bellevue, Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Frederiks gate 2, 0164 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Bygdøynesveien 39, 0286 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Kongeveien 5, 0787 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Karl Johansgt. 11, 0154 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Rådhuset, 0037 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Bryggegata 9, 0120 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Sars gate 1, 0562 Oslo</p>, <p class="nospc">Address: Kirsten Flagstads Plass 1, 0150 Oslo</p>]
for a in address:
Address: Nobels gate 32, N-0268 Oslo Address: Akershus Festning, 0015 Oslo Address: Frederiks gate 2, 0164 Oslo Address: Universitetsgata 13, Oslo Address: Tøyengata 53, 0578 Oslo Address: Bellevue, Oslo Address: Frederiks gate 2, 0164 Oslo Address: Bygdøynesveien 39, 0286 Oslo Address: Kongeveien 5, 0787 Oslo Address: Karl Johansgt. 11, 0154 Oslo Address: Rådhuset, 0037 Oslo Address: Bryggegata 9, 0120 Oslo Address: Sars gate 1, 0562 Oslo Address: Kirsten Flagstads Plass 1, 0150 Oslo