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Full Version: add tab in python output
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hello all ...

how i can print this output with tab's
ilename: reminders.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: plus.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: config.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: downloads.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: playlog.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: google_analytics2_v4.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: ns.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: phenotype.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: google_analytics_v4.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: icing_contacts.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: device_connections.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: peoplelog.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: gcm_registrar.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: pluscontacts.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: rmq.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: iu.upload.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: signal_client_Matchstick.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: netrec [x-sqlite3] Filename: networkstatistics.sqlite [x-sqlite3] Filename: dg.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: gass.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: context_feature_default.db [x-sqlite3] Filename: [x-sqlite3] Filename: [x-sqlite3]
like this :
[Image: Screenshot-from-2019-06-23-20-50-34.png]
Which python code generated the output without the tabs?
(Jun-23-2019, 06:26 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: [ -> ]Which python code generated the output without the tabs?

import magic
import os
import pathlib
from colorama import Fore, Back
import colorama
#p = r"C:\Users\adam\Desktop"
p = r"/root/Downloads/image-mount/data/"
i = 0 
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(p):
    i = i + 1
    print( '[+]Found Directory:#{0}\t'.format(str(i))  + "|SubDirectory:\t" + str(len(subdirList)) + " | Files:\t" +str(len(fileList))+ Fore.RED +" \t> PATH = " +Fore.RESET + dirName ) 
        for fname in fileList:
            q = os.path.join(dirName, fname)
            d = magic.from_file(q, mime=True)
            if d == "application/x-sqlite3":
                print(Fore.BLUE + ' \t Filename: {0}\t[{1}]'.format(fname,d[12:]))
                #print("{}. {} appears {} times.".format(i, key, wordBank[key]))
You could use a third party module such as prettytable
>>> from prettytable import PrettyTable
>>> t = PrettyTable()
>>> t.add_row(['foo', 'bar'])
>>> t.add_row(['baz', 'qux'])
>>> t.add_row(['spam', 'eggs'])
>>> str(t)
'+---------+---------+\n| Field 1 | Field 2 |\n+---------+---------+\n|   foo   |   bar   |\n|   baz   |   qux   |\n|   spam  |   eggs  |\n+---------+---------+'
>>> print(t)
| Field 1 | Field 2 |
|   foo   |   bar   |
|   baz   |   qux   |
|   spam  |   eggs  |
>>> t.header = False
>>> t.align = 'l'
>>> from prettytable import NONE
>>> t.hrules = NONE
>>> t.vrules = NONE
>>> print(t)
  foo    bar   
  baz    qux   
  spam   eggs 
You could use string formatting,should always use f-string .
import os

insert = '[x-sqlite3]'
for fn in os.scandir('.'):
2019-06-13_#1.0.tws [x-sqlite3] 2019-06-13_#1.1.tws [x-sqlite3] 2019-06-13_#1.2.tws [x-sqlite3] 2019-06-13_#1.3.tws [x-sqlite3] filename.csv [x-sqlite3] [x-sqlite3] [x-sqlite3] foooooooooooooooooooooo.txt [x-sqlite3] [x-sqlite3] tsw_files.txt [x-sqlite3] [x-sqlite3]
Your line 12 is not nice,could delete all + and str and use f-string
Here the start of line.
>>> i = 999
>>> subdirList = [1,2,3]
>>> print('[+]Found Directory:#{0}\t'.format(str(i))  + "|SubDirectory:\t" + str(len(subdirList)))
[+]Found Directory:#999	|SubDirectory:	3
>>> # Now the same with f-string
>>> print(f'[+]Found Directory:#{i} |SubDirectory:  {len(subdirList)}')
[+]Found Directory:#999 |SubDirectory:  3
thank u all ...
snippsat : thank u man this is the simple way :) best solution <3

(Jun-23-2019, 09:00 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: [ -> ]You could use a third party module such as prettytable
>>> from prettytable import PrettyTable
>>> t = PrettyTable()
>>> t.add_row(['foo', 'bar'])
>>> t.add_row(['baz', 'qux'])
>>> t.add_row(['spam', 'eggs'])
>>> str(t)
'+---------+---------+\n| Field 1 | Field 2 |\n+---------+---------+\n|   foo   |   bar   |\n|   baz   |   qux   |\n|   spam  |   eggs  |\n+---------+---------+'
>>> print(t)
| Field 1 | Field 2 |
|   foo   |   bar   |
|   baz   |   qux   |
|   spam  |   eggs  |
>>> t.header = False
>>> t.align = 'l'
>>> from prettytable import NONE
>>> t.hrules = NONE
>>> t.vrules = NONE
>>> print(t)
  foo    bar   
  baz    qux   
  spam   eggs 
when i use pretytable in my loop it's print them like this way :
[+]Found Directory:#131 |SubDirectory: 0 | Files: 4 > PATH = C:\Users\adam\Desktop\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Tor\PluggableTransports +-------------------------+-----------+ | Filename | FileType | +-------------------------+-----------+ | 3561288849sdhlie.sqlite | x-sqlite3 | +-------------------------+-----------+ +-------------------------+-----------+ | Filename | FileType | +-------------------------+-----------+ | 3561288849sdhlie.sqlite | x-sqlite3 | +-------------------------+-----------+ +-------------------------+-----------+ | Filename | FileType | +-------------------------+-----------+ | 3561288849sdhlie.sqlite | x-sqlite3 | +-------------------------+-----------+ +-------------------------+-----------+ | Filename | FileType | +-------------------------+-----------+ | 3561288849sdhlie.sqlite | x-sqlite3 | +-------------------------+-----------+ [+]Found Directory:#132 |SubDirectory: 0 | Files: 0 > PATH = C:\Users\adam\Desktop\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\UpdateInfo
how i can make add them to the same table ?? not table for each file