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Full Version: parse json output to simple text or variable
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I have below python code for face_recognition.basically it is comparing two images and providing match or not.I am getting output in json format as below.How to parse this json output to normal text or storing into a variable and display the out like thanks in advance for your response
present output:
"Not matched": [],
"Matched": [
"Matching Percentage": "68.59"
Expected output:
instead of all the brackets simple text output like:
response ={matched}
matching percentage ={68%}

import face_recognition
import os

def match(lis, img):
    images = lis
    image_to_be_matched = face_recognition.load_image_file(img)
    # encoded the loaded image into a feature vector
    image_to_be_matched_encoded = face_recognition.face_encodings(

    # iterate over each image
    resp = {"Matched": [], "Not matched": []}
    for image in images:
        #image = os.path.join(path, image)
        current_image = face_recognition.load_image_file(image)
        # encode the loaded image into a feature vector
        current_image_encoded = face_recognition.face_encodings(current_image)[0]
        # match your image with the image and check if it matches
        result = face_recognition.compare_faces(
            [image_to_be_matched_encoded], current_image_encoded)
        # check if it was a match
        face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance([image_to_be_matched_encoded], current_image_encoded)
        if result[0] == True:
            resp["Matched"].append([os.path.basename(image), {'Matching Percentage': str((1-face_distances[0])*100)[:5]}])
            resp["Not matched"].append([os.path.basename(image), {'Matching Percentage': str((1-face_distances[0])*100)[:5]}])
    for image in images:
    return resp
This is just mental exercise about how to extract data using indices and keys:

data = { 
... "Not matched": [], 
... "Matched": [ 
... [ 
... "anil1_kZJfP0k.JPG", 
... { 
... "Matching Percentage": "68.59" 
... } 
... ] 
... ] 
... } 
>>> f'response = {data["Matched"][0][0]}'
'response = anil1_kZJfP0k.JPG'
>>> f'matching percentage = {data["Matched"][0][1]["Matching Percentage"]}'
'matching percentage = 68.59'