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Full Version: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'psutil' after creating .exe ?
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I have made a very basic GUI framework with the help of psutil and tkinter modules. The script runs perfectly without error.

Now the problem arises, after I had converted my py file to exe file. When I run the exe file, it says "ModuleNOtFoundError: No module named 'psutil".

I've tried-

  1. Running
    pip install psutil
    in cmd.
  2. Running
    pip install --upgrade pip
    in cmd.

Nothing works. Please help me
Please elaborate. How many nothings don't work? How don't they work.
By nothing, I mean both the options don't work
Ok it's working, all I had to do was go to the auto-py-to-exe UI's hidden options and import psutil there. After that it worked