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Full Version: Read exel with merged cells and write to another excel
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I read the excel sheet which has "merged cells", and I want to write to another file retaining original merged cells.

My input excel is below:

Group	Name	Date	    Item	  Value
Group1	VGT	   2016-06-06	Power	  0
	    BHA	   2016-06-07	Voltage	  1
Group2	BNA	   2016-06-08	Volume	  1
	    KAL	   2016-06-09	AAA	      0
	    PAR	   2016-06-10	ANM	      0
Group3	VGT	2016-06-11	    Power	  1
I read and write another file, but can not retain merged cells.

row 2 is empty, row4~row5 again empty (but need to be merged with row3 ie, Group2)
Group	Name	Date	            Item	Value
Group1	VGT	   2016-06-06 00:00:00	Power	 0
empty	BHA	   2016-06-07 00:00:00	Voltage	 1
Group2	BNA	   2016-06-08 00:00:00	Volume	 1
empty	KAL	   2016-06-09 00:00:00	AAA	     0
empty	PAR	   2016-06-10 00:00:00	ANM	     0
Group3	VGT	   2016-06-11 00:00:00	Power	 1
How to retain the oroginal merged cells,

I sue below code:

import pandas as pd
but the output is as below: