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I want my distance variable to increase by 1 every time i click a / d.

import msvcrt
import time
import random

def Start():
    input("Press ENTER to start")
    print("On your marks...")
    time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 5))
    time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
    Distance = 100
def Race(Distance):
    Travelled = 0
    while Travelled != Distance:
        Move1 = msvcrt.getwch()
        if Move1 == chr(97):
            Move2 = msvcrt.getwch()
            if Move2 == chr(100):
                Distance = Distance + 1

what problem do you have?
My key press isnt recognised
did you try to debug? what you get when print Move1?
Look at this post where i explain how msvcrt work.
So on first call get only info back if it's Scan code or Function keys,next call after that get keyboard input.
See how i quit b'q' so work in bytes,for you use eg b'a' instead of chr(97).
Thanks for the reply's but its still not working...

Im on 3.7.4 if that helps. I did a bit of code a couple of years ago on 3 and it seemed to work doing the same thing :/
(Aug-22-2019, 09:52 AM)TomJS Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the reply's but its still not working...
Is this answer ever gone be useful,do you show what you tried Dodgy

Okay here a little more help using your code code.
Do not capitalize every variable,function,..ect PEP-8.
import msvcrt
import time
import random
import sys

def start():
    input("Press ENTER to start")
    print("On your marks...")
    time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 5))
    time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
    distance = 100

def race(distance):
    travelled = 0
    while travelled != distance:
        move1 = msvcrt.getch()
        if move1 in b'\x00':
            move1 = msvcrt.getch()
        if move1 == b'a':
            travelled += 20
        if move1 == b'q':
            print('You quit the race')
           print(f'Key Pressed: {move1}')
    print(f'You reach the end distance: <{distance}>')

Test pushing a:
E:\div_code\foo λ python -V Python 3.7.3 E:\div_code\foo λ python Press ENTER to start On your marks... Set... GO! 20 Key Pressed: b'a' 40 Key Pressed: b'a' 60 Key Pressed: b'a' 80 Key Pressed: b'a' 100 Key Pressed: b'a' You reach the end distance: <100>
Test pushing q:
E:\div_code\foo λ python Press ENTER to start On your marks... Set... GO! 20 Key Pressed: b'a' 40 Key Pressed: b'a' You quit the race