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Full Version: Custom Function to Return Database Values
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A bit new and doing self teaching for python, but I am trying to figure out how best to use an existing dataframe to pass a column value into a where clause for a sql query to return results. However, it is not working as I am intending as it repeats the header from the custom function I am wrote to perform this. I would add that my goal is to solve how I can pass the dataframes column whether 10 or 10,000 records to get a value back from the database so I believe tuples will not work here.

Here is my function:
def overrides(id):
    sql = f"select name from sales..rep where id in({id})"
    mydf = pd.read_sql(sql, cnxn)
    return mydf
Here is how I apply it:
dfnew = dfrep['ID'].apply(overrides)
Here is the results
name 0 BOB name 0 JIM name 0 KEN name 0 GREG name 0 STEVE