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Full Version: I've always wanted to write this but having problems
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I've wanted to write a program that converts an integer to it's binary equivalent. I'm getting an error saying Unbound Local Error. Local variable binary_string referenced before assignment. The last line in the while loop before the return statement is being flagged an error. I probably have other things wrong too if you see them please let me know.

I'm rather lost:
def main():
    x = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
    binary_string = ""
    binary_string = decimal_to_binary(x)
def decimal_to_binary(n): 
    while(n > 0):
        remainder = n % 2
        n = n / 2
        binary_string = str(remainder) + binary_string
    return binary_string

The error is pretty clear: you try to use the variable binary_string on line 13, but it doesn't exist in that scope - it's only defined in the loop.
Another approach could be using divmod:

def to_binary(num):
  reminders = []
  while num:
      num, reminder = divmod(num, 2)
  return ''.join(str(x) for x in reversed(reminders),)
To test:

>>> to_binary(42)
>>> int(to_binary(42), 2)