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Hey guys. Im a bit of a scrub when it comes to coding, specially with python. Just need some help with getting the ip/port range from the entry widgets up to their corresponding variables. this is what i have so far. And no i'm not trying to be some 1337 hakzorz i run servers at home and i like poking at my network to make sure i havnt opened something i shouldnt have or to see whats happening on my network. I havent really had much luck finding anything when googling This is what i have so far.

from tkinter import *

main = Tk()
main.resizable(0, 0)

# Variables
IPRange = ''
PortRange = '0'

# Functions
def setiprange():
    IPRange = IPRangeEntry.get()
    print("The IP range set is:", IPRange)

def setportrange():

    print("The Port range set is:", PortRange)

# Labels
Label(main, text="Options").place(x=500, y=15)
Label(main, text="Scan Type").place(x=350, y=15)
Label(main, text="Enable").place(x=579, y=15)
Label(main, text="Disable").place(x=634, y=15)

# Buttons
SetIPbttn = Button(text="Set IP Range", fg="green", command=setiprange,  height=1, width=11).place(x=5, y=40)
SetPortRangebttn = Button(text="Set Port Range", fg="green", command=setportrange, height=1, width=11).place(x=5, y=80)

# Radio Buttons
Drb1 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=30)
Drb2 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=52)
Drb3 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=74)
Drb4 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=96)
Drb5 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=118)
Drb6 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=140)
Drb7 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=162)
Drb8 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=184)
Drb9 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=206)
Drb10 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=645, y=228)
Erb1 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=30)
Erb2 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=52)
Erb3 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=74)
Erb4 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=96)
Erb5 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=118)
Erb6 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=140)
Erb7 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=162)
Erb8 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=184)
Erb9 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=206)
Erb10 = Radiobutton(main).place(x=590, y=228)

# Entry Boxes
IPRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=44)
PortRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=84)

IPRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=44)
PortRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=84)
place() returns None. You have to first store the Entry instance so you can access in the function.

PRangeEntry = Entry(main), y=44)
(Sep-20-2019, 02:28 PM)woooee Wrote: [ -> ]
IPRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=44)
PortRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=84)
place() returns None. You have to first store the Entry instance so you can access in the function.

PRangeEntry = Entry(main), y=44)

when changing
IPRangeEntry = Entry(main).place(x=115, y=44)
IPRangeEntry = Entry(main), y=44)

i just get a syntax error, y=44)
should be on the next separate line

IPRangeEntry = Entry(main), y=44)
(Sep-20-2019, 03:20 PM)Yoriz Wrote: [ -> ], y=44)
should be on the next separate line

IPRangeEntry = Entry(main), y=44)

Ahh thank you. That fixed it :)