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Full Version: Creating a colored Contour Plot
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This is a homework problem
1. WCT is a function of two variables (T and wind speed). Perform a bivariate sensitivityanalysis.a. Plot filled contours of WCT as a function of T (from -40 deg. F to +40 deg. F) and wind speed (from 0 to 60 mph). Choose an appropriate colormap. 

I have this so far but its not working. 

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


(x,y) = np.meshgrid(xlist,ylist)

for value in (x,y):



plt.xlabel('Degrees F')
plt.ylabel('Wind Speed (mph)')
When I run this I get a plot with the axis labeled but nothing in the middle

The formula for wind chill temperature (WCT) is found at using the USA formula
Your xlist (temperature) contains only one value, perhaps there should be something like
Morever, there is no need for a for loop in your code. As numpy operations are vectorized, simple statement z = (.... ) is enough.