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Full Version: Trying to convert a script from "2to3"
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so the picture show that script is executed via Python2... so it does not work even in python2?
(Feb-21-2017, 05:40 PM)buran Wrote: [ -> ]so the picture show that script is executed via Python2... so it does not work even in python2?

It works fine in Python2. Python3 says that the files are all not found even when they are in the same folder and works when using Python2. Sorry for the late response.
The picture from the previous post is from executing the script with python2 - look at the title bar of the window on the picture... So it either doesn't work in python2 or if you think it's from executing the script with python3 you are not right.
Okey so I'm in the same position as JonathanMonkey right now. Trying to convert the exact same script to Python 3.6 from 2.7

At first I got an error on line 49. After some searching I found out that I should add a second slash instead of just one.
Quote:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 49, in <module>[0]*actDimensions[1]*(actDimensions[2]/8),1)
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

Now, after line 49 seems to be fixed line 50 is now throwing an error. Does anyone know what can be done to fix this? I've tried searching for an answer myself but I'm very new to Python.
Quote:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 50, in <module>
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Full code:
import struct
import msvcrt as m
import os

def wait():
def readByte(file):
    return struct.unpack("B",[0]
def readu16le(file):
    return struct.unpack("<H",[0]
def readu32le(file):
    return struct.unpack("<I",[0]

tgas = ["iconTex.tga","bootLogoTex.tga","bootDrcTex.tga","bootTvTex.tga"]
dimensions = [[128,128,32],[170,42,32],[854,480,24],[1280,720,24]]
for i in range(len(tgas)):
    tga = tgas[i]
    dimension = dimensions[i]
    if os.path.exists(tga):
        with open(tga,"rb+") as f:
            header = readu32le(f)
            if header != 0x00020000:
                print(tga + "is compressed. it cant be compressed!")
            actDimensions = [readu16le(f),readu16le(f),readByte(f)]
            hasHadBadDiment = False
            for j in range(len(actDimensions)):
                if j == 0:
                    type = "width"
                elif j == 1:
                    type = "height"
                    type = "depth"
                diment = dimension[j]
                actDiment = actDimensions[j]
                if diment != actDiment:
                    if not hasHadBadDiment:
                        hasHadBadDiment = True
                        print("dimensions are not valid for: " + tga)
                    print(type + " is: " + str(actDiment) + " should be: " + str(diment))
            if hasHadBadDiment:
        print(tga + " could not be found!")
print("All TGA's verified!")
print("press any key to exit...")
#todo verifiy bootovie.h264
Stick a b in front of it.
>>> "\x00"
>>> b"\x00"
>>> type("\x00")
<class 'str'>
>>> type(b"\x00")
<class 'bytes'>
It worked! Thanks a lot!

Full working piece of code in case anyone else would need it in the future.
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