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Full Version: loop through range until reach size and exclude specific symbol
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index = 14
for i in string:


I need that considering the position of the specific index that I will provide it will go to this index and will print it + 5 characters on the left and 5 on the right excluding the symbol "_".
the final output will be:
so I have 5 characters + M +5 characters ( excluding any _ in the count)
with my code I'm able to indicate the index to print( i have not reported the code) but I'm not able to exclude the "_" from the count of the characters to print.
I need something like:
if you find "_" proceeds of one until you reach a length of 5 ( for each side )
Are all letters unique?
actually the real string is made of 4 letters(ACTG):

so you have strings like:

One can combine itertools.islice and comprehension to achieve desired result:

>>> from itertools import islice
>>> i = 14
>>> before = reversed([*islice((char for char in reversed(s[:i]) if char != "_"), 5)])
>>> after = islice((char for char in s[i+1:] if char != "_"), 5)
>>> "".join((*before, s[i], *after))