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Full Version: Python v COBOL
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what would we need to do to python to make a suitable basis for tossing out COBOL besides cleaning the sticky sugar out of their shift keys and making money expression formatting?
Believe it or not, there are still companies out there using Cobol
There are also people still driving Hudsons and Studibakers.
I'd still like to see Qbasic included in Windows   Smile
Before Qbasic there was Dartmouth basic where syntax dictated that
let x = 3 worked, and x= 3 didn't

I almost hate to admit it, but in 1975, I wrote a magazine article using Dartmouth basic
(It's still available on
I wrote a Python interpreter for Dartmouth basic (technically BASIC).
(Feb-21-2017, 11:53 PM)ichabod801 Wrote: [ -> ]I wrote a Python interpreter for Dartmouth basic (technically BASIC).

so now we can run all our old Dartmouth basic programs on any platform that runs python?
for x = 1 to oh maybe 100 ...
the idea is that python is easier than cobol, except for the pic feature, which could be added on.
s9v999 Never want to go there anymore
(Feb-22-2017, 05:47 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: [ -> ]s9v999 Never want to go there anymore

but some people are stuck there.  i remember doing a couple cobol classes in college.  i needed an easy boost of my gpa.
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