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I am a novice in python as new as week !

Wanted to use Python Logger

import logging

class LoggingUtils:
    def __init__(self, logLevel:int):
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s%(message)s', level=logLevel)

    def fileLogger(cls, logLevel:int, logFileName:str):
        return cls(logging.basicConfig(filename=logFileName, format='%(asctime)s%(message)s', level=logLevel))
    def logInfo(self, logMessage):
    def logWarn(self, logMessage):
    def logError(self, logMessage):
    def logDebug(self, logMessage):
---Usage of module above
import logging
import LoggingUtils as loggerUtils

#logger = loggerUtils.LoggingUtils(logging.DEBUG)
#logger.logInfo("Log Test : info")
#logger.logDebug("Log Test : debug")

fileLogger = loggerUtils.LoggingUtils.fileLogger(logging.DEBUG, "SampleLogger.log")
fileLogger.logInfo("Log in File Test1 : info")
fileLogger.logDebug("Log in FileTest2 : debug")
fileLogger.logError("Log in File Test3 : debug")
The issue here is if I uncomment the line above, everything gets logged into the console, while I would have expected those messages to goto Console while rest should go to file SampleLogger.log