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Full Version: Doing calculation with ascii file
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I have file named DATA.TXT which contains:

colA,colB 324,234 346,341 147,346 234,567 368,405 344,643 235,235 236,567
I am trying to read this in using line-by-line (for learning purpose), then add new column with sum on first two number. So that when I save the new file, I get:

colA,colB,Sum 324,234,558 346,341,687 147,346,493 234,567,801 368,405,773 344,643,987 235,235,470 236,567,803
And so far I am using this code:

f = open('DATA.TXT', 'r')
for line in f:
To take a little further,and is better to use with open() then don't need to use close() as it dos automatically.
with open('col.txt') as f:
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        num1, num2 = line.split(',')
        num1, num2 = int(num1), int(num2)
So now is ready to continue further,if i do a test after running this code.
>>> num1 + num2
As expected i get the last calculation.
Thank you! Tried Your solution and it works.
Added lines:

num3 = num1 + num2
Which gives the first row:

Now somehow have to append (?) it and use FOR cycle to loop every row or do "next i" like in Excel VBA.
I guess I solved my problem.
Here is the script:
with open('file.txt',"r") as in_file, open('file2.txt',"w") as out_file:
	for line in in_file:
		line = line.strip()
		num1, num2 = line.split(',')
		num1, num2 = int(num1), int(num2)
		num3 = num1 + num2
		out_file.write(str(num1) + "," + str(num2) + "," + str(num3) + "\n")
Which outputs external file "file2.txt", although without headers that I removed using command "next(in_file)"
324,234,558 346,341,687 147,346,493 234,567,801 368,405,773 344,643,987 235,235,470 236,567,803
Yes can do it like this.
Here an other version you can look at using f-string.
Also put in header line just as a example.
See that with string formatting(f-string) it look better no need for str() or +.
with open('col.txt') as f,open('total.txt', 'w') as f_out:
    header = next(f)
    c1, c2 = header.strip().split(',')
    f_out.write(f'{c1} {c2}  Sum\n')
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        num1, num2 = line.split(',')
        num1, num2 = int(num1), int(num2)
        num3 = num1 + num2
        f_out.write(f'{num1} + {num2}  ${num3}\n')
colA colB Sum 324 + 234 $558 346 + 341 $687 147 + 346 $493 234 + 567 $801 368 + 405 $773 344 + 643 $987 235 + 235 $470 236 + 567 $803
Thanks! Although a bit confusing is the header separating-adding thing.