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Full Version: Help converting MATLAB triple-for loop to Python
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Hello, I have the following code in MATLAB which I am trying to convert to python, using numpy.

M = zeros(100,100);

imageFiles = dir('*.bmp');
nFiles = length(imageFiles);

for i = 1:nFiles
    currentFilename = imageFiles(i).name;
    f1 = fopen(num2str(currentFilename),'rb');
    im = fread(f1,100*100,'uint8');
    %currentImage = imread(currentFilename);
    %im = currentImage;
    for k = 1:100
        for m = 1:100
            NIM(i,k,m) = im((k-1)*100+m);
I'm unfamiliar with how to load a 3D matrix in python. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't think you need to load '*.bmp' content manually in Python. Take a look at scikit-image package. returns 3D numpy array, if the file was successfully read.