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Full Version: Loop through folder of Excel Files and extract single column
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I have a folder contain multiple folders. Each of these subfolders contains an excel file. Is it possible to loop through each subfolder and create a single CSV from the data from a particular column from each xls file. If possible can I ensure that only excel filenames starting with a certain text are read?

Many thanks for any advice.
Oh, you'd like to know more ...
you can use the package xlwings for excel access:
for accessing directories, use pathlib:

Example (will list contents of home path and a few examples of what you can do with pathlib):
from pathlib import Path
import os

# Assure that starting directory is known(this module directory)

home = Path('.')

home_files = [filename for filename in home.iterdir() if filename.is_file()]
for filename in home_files:
    print(f"filename: {}")
    print(f"filename full path: {filename.resolve()}")
    print(f"filename suffix: {filename.suffix}")
    print(f"filename stem: {filename.stem}")
    print(f"filename parts: {}")
Thanks a great help