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Full Version: How can i judge 1st string position is correct number
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May i ask. what function i can use to make me confirm my string position number one number if i get 1, i will get ok else i will get fail.

below is the function i using on my program

mystring = "11000000000000000000000000000000"

if mystring == 1:
There is str.startswith() method which:

Return True if string starts with the prefix, otherwise return False. prefix can also be a tuple of prefixes to look for. With optional start, test string beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing string at that position.

>>> my_string = '1100'                                                                     
>>> my_string.startswith('1')                                                              
>>> my_string.startswith('0')                                                              
You can see all the str methods by writing str. into interactive interpreter and pressing TAB two times:

>>> str.
str.capitalize(   str.index(        str.isspace(      str.replace(      str.strip(       
str.casefold(     str.isalnum(      str.istitle(      str.rfind(        str.swapcase(       str.isalpha(      str.isupper(      str.rindex(       str.title(       
str.count(        str.isascii(      str.join(         str.rjust(        str.translate(   
str.encode(       str.isdecimal(    str.ljust(        str.rpartition(   str.upper(       
str.endswith(     str.isdigit(      str.lower(        str.rsplit(       str.zfill(       
str.expandtabs(   str.isidentifier( str.lstrip(       str.rstrip(      
str.find(         str.islower(      str.maketrans(    str.split(       
str.format(       str.isnumeric(    str.mro(          str.splitlines(  
str.format_map(   str.isprintable(  str.partition(    str.startswith(
You can find what any of these methods do by using built-in help:

>>> help(str.capitalize)
Help on method_descriptor:

capitalize(self, /)
    Return a capitalized version of the string.
    More specifically, make the first character have upper case and the rest lower
Press Q to exit help.

THANKS FOR YOU REPLY MY MESSAGE. After i try your method i am still no success TO DO IT IS I MISSING ANYTHING.
(Oct-29-2019, 04:00 AM)christing Wrote: [ -> ]May i ask. what function i can use to make me confirm my string position number one number if i get 1, i will get ok else i will get fail.


Maybe this can give you some ideas:

mystring = "11000000000000000000000000000000"

for character in mystring:
    if character  == '1':
        print(f"O.K., the character '{character}' in my string is '1'.")
        print(f"Fail, the character '{character}' in my string is not '1'.")
and that produces the following output:
O.K., the character '1' in my string is '1'. O.K., the character '1' in my string is '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. Fail, the character '0' in my string is not '1'. >>>
I hope it helps.

All the best,

Hi again!

If you are looking for a certain position in the string, this may give you some ideas (although it's not very good code, but I think it's easier for newbies):

mystring = "abcdefghijk"

for positions in range(len(mystring)):
    if mystring[positions]  == 'g':
        print(f"O.K., the character '{mystring[positions]}' in my string is 'g'.")
        print(f"Fail, the character '{mystring[positions]}' in my string is not 'g'.")
that produces the following output:
Fail, the character 'a' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'b' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'c' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'd' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'e' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'f' in my string is not 'g'. O.K., the character 'g' in my string is 'g'. Fail, the character 'h' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'i' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'j' in my string is not 'g'. Fail, the character 'k' in my string is not 'g'. >>>
So you can check a character in a certain position, for instance:
>>> mystring = "abcdefghijk" >>> mystring[0] 'a' >>> mystring[3] 'd' >>> mystring[5] 'f' >>> mystring[8] 'i' >>> mystring[10] 'k' >>>
I hope it helps.

All the best,