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Full Version: very weird unexpected behaviour, related to prints
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I am seeing a weird behavior and I could not find out why. Here is what I did:

in, I have:
tran_counter = 0x11000
def output_status(p_file = sys.stderr):
    global tran_counter

    print "Debug:transaction counter terminal output: ",hex(tran_counter)
    print >> p_file, "transaction count:                ", hex(tran_counter)
this is imported and called in another module:
import my_def
f_handle = open('run.log','w+')
for i in range(0,100):
    my_def.tran_counter += 4
it's just that simple. The problem is if I run, the counter increment and output as expected.
However, if I run a wrapper script which call's the, the tran_counter magically get changed, and what's even more interesting is that, the value which is printed to terminal with the "Debug" tag, is correct. But the value gets printed into run.log is wrong, and it's starting value is 0x10, and get's incremented by 4 in the loop.

It's driving me crazy and I have no idea how to find the rootcause. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please post the wrapper script as well so that we can reproduce the bug.