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Ive done a little research and tried different versions of python.
I found out up to and including version 3.7.4 the error is gone.
But the code doesnt show data when i run it.
Hi, i still cant get it to work.
Maybe someone is prepared to install the package on their windows 10 and test/recognize where to find the fault and have a solution hopefully Smile

The package is:


I managed to get rid of the buffer error.
But now im facing a unpack error.
See error and code which generate the error.

Python 3.8.6 (tags/v3.8.6:db45529, Sep 23 2020, 15:52:53) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
=============== RESTART: C:\Users\Makada\Desktop\cr1000 ==============
Device is connected: True
2020-11-11 18:56:05
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Makada\Desktop\cr1000", line 5, in <module>
  File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\pycampbellcr1000\", line 182, in list_tables
    return [item['Header']['TableName'] for item in self.table_def]
  File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\pycampbellcr1000\", line 65, in __get__
    value = self.func(obj)
  File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\pycampbellcr1000\", line 177, in table_def
    tabledef = self.pakbus.parse_tabledef(data)
  File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\pycampbellcr1000\", line 700, in parse_tabledef
    values, size = self.decode_bin(types, raw[offset:])
  File "C:\Python38\lib\site-packages\pycampbellcr1000\", line 318, in decode_bin
    value = struct.unpack(str(fmt), buff[offset:offset + size])
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    PakBus protocol Implementation.

    Original Author: Dietrich Feist, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
                     Jena Germany (PyPak)
    :copyright: Copyright 2012 Salem Harrache and contributors, see AUTHORS.
    :license: GNU GPL v3.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import struct
import time

from .compat import ord, chr, is_text, is_py3, bytes
from .logger import LOGGER
from .utils import Singleton
from .exceptions import DeliveryFailureException
from .utils import bytes_to_hex, nsec_to_time

class Transaction(Singleton):
    id = 0

    def next_id(self): += 1 &= 0xFF

class PakBus(object):
    '''Interface for a pakbus client.

    :param link: A `PyLink` connection.
    :param dest_addr: Destination physical address (12-bit int) (default dest)
    :param dest: Destination node ID (12-bit int) (default 0x001)
    :param src_addr: Source physical address (12-bit int) (default src)
    :param src: Source node ID (12-bit int) (default 0x802)
    :param security_code: 16-bit security code (default 0x0000)

    DATATYPE = {
        'Byte': {'code': 1, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'UInt2': {'code': 2, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'UInt4': {'code': 3, 'fmt': '>L', 'size': 4},
        'Int1': {'code': 4, 'fmt': 'b', 'size': 1},
        'Int2': {'code': 5, 'fmt': '>h', 'size': 2},
        'Int4': {'code': 6, 'fmt': '>l', 'size': 4},
        'FP2': {'code': 7, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'FP3': {'code': 15, 'fmt': '3c', 'size': 3},
        'FP4': {'code': 8, 'fmt': '4c', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE4B': {'code': 9, 'fmt': '>f', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE8B': {'code': 18, 'fmt': '>d', 'size': 8},
        'Bool8': {'code': 17, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'Bool': {'code': 10, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'Bool2': {'code': 27, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'Bool4': {'code': 28, 'fmt': '>L', 'size': 4},
        'Sec': {'code': 12, 'fmt': '>l', 'size': 4},
        'USec': {'code': 13, 'fmt': '6c', 'size': 6},
        'NSec': {'code': 14, 'fmt': '>2l', 'size': 8},
        'ASCII': {'code': 11, 'fmt': 's', 'size': None},
        'ASCIIZ': {'code': 16, 'fmt': 's', 'size': None},
        'Short': {'code': 19, 'fmt': '<h', 'size': 2},
        'Long': {'code': 20, 'fmt': '<l', 'size': 4},
        'UShort': {'code': 21, 'fmt': '<H', 'size': 2},
        'ULong': {'code': 22, 'fmt': '<L', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE4L': {'code': 24, 'fmt': '<f', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE8L': {'code': 25, 'fmt': '<d', 'size': 8},
        'SecNano': {'code': 23, 'fmt': '<2l', 'size': 8},

    # link state
    RING = 0x9
    READY = 0xA
    FINISHED = 0xB

    def __init__(self, link, dest_addr=None, dest=0x001,
                 src_addr=None, src=0x802, security_code=0x0000): = link
        self.src = src
        if (src_addr != None):
            self.src_addr = src_addr
            self.src_addr = src
        self.dest = dest
        if (dest_addr != None):
            self.dest_addr = dest_addr
            self.dest_addr = dest
        self.security_code = security_code
        self.transaction = Transaction()'Get the node attention')'\xBD\xBD\xBD\xBD\xBD\xBD')

    def write(self, packet):
        '''Send packet over PakBus.''''Packet data: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))'Calculate signature for packet')
        sign = self.compute_signature(packet)'Calculate signature nullifier to create packet')
        nullifier = self.compute_signature_nullifier(sign)
        frame = self.quote(b''.join((packet, nullifier)))
        packet = b''.join((b'\xBD', frame, b'\xBD'))'Write: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))

    def read(self):
        '''Receive packet over PakBus.'''
        all_bytes = []
        byte = None
        begin = time.time()
        while byte != b'\xBD':
            if (byte != None):
      'Read byte: %s' % bytes_to_hex(byte))
            if time.time() - begin >
                return None
            # Read until first \xBD frame character
            byte = self._read_one_byte()
        while byte == b'\xBD':
            # Read unitl first character other than \xBD
            byte = self._read_one_byte()
        while byte != b'\xBD':
            # Read until next occurence of \xBD character
            byte = self._read_one_byte()

        # Unquote quoted characters
        packet = b''.join(all_bytes)'Read packet: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))
        packet = self.unquote(packet)

        # Calculate signature (should be zero)
        if self.compute_signature(packet):
            LOGGER.error('Check signature : Error')
            return None
  'Check signature : OK')
            # Strip last 2 signature bytes and return packet
            return packet[:-2]

    def _read_one_byte(self):
        '''Read only one byte.'''
        data =
        if is_text(data):
            return bytes(data.encode('utf-8'))
            return data

    def wait_packet(self, transac_id=None):
        '''Wait for an incoming packet.

        :param transac_id: Expected transaction number.
        ''''Wait packet with transaction %s' % transac_id)
        data =
        if data is None or data == b'':
            return {}, {}

        hdr, msg = self.decode_packet(data)
        if hdr == {} or msg == {}:
            return hdr, msg

        # ignore packets that are not for us'src, SrcNodeId = <%x, %x>' %
                    (self.src, hdr['SrcNodeId']))'dest, DstNodeId = <%x, %x>' %
                    (self.dest, hdr['DstNodeId']))

        if (hdr['DstNodeId'] != self.src):
            return {}, {}

        # Handle 'please wait' packets
        if msg['TranNbr'] == transac_id and msg['MsgType'] == 0xa1:
            timewait = msg['WaitSec']
  'Please Wait Message packet <%s sec>' % timewait)
            return self.wait_packet(transac_id)

        # Handle failure message packets and raise exception
        if msg['MsgType'] == 0x81:
            raise DeliveryFailureException()

        # This should be the packet we are waiting for
        if msg['TranNbr'] == transac_id:
            return hdr, msg

    def pack_header(self, hi_proto, exp_more=0x2, link_state=None,
        '''Generate PakBus header.

        :param hi_proto: Higher level protocol code (4 bits). 0x0: PakCtrl,
                         0x1: BMP5
        :param exp_more: Whether client should expect another packet (2 bits)
        :param link_state: Link state (4 bits)
        :param hops: Number of hops to destination (4 bits)
        ''''Create header')
        priority = 0x1
        link_state = link_state or self.READY
        # bitwise encoding of header fields
        hdr = struct.pack(str('>4H'),
                          (link_state & 0xF) << 12 | (self.dest_addr & 0xFFF),
                          (exp_more & 0x3) << 14 | (priority & 0x3) << 12
                                                 | (self.src_addr & 0xFFF),
                          (hi_proto & 0xF) << 12 | (self.dest & 0xFFF),
                          (hops & 0xF) << 12 | (self.src & 0xFFF))
        return hdr

    def compute_signature(self, buff, seed=0xAAAA):
        '''Compute signature for PakBus packets.'''
        sig = seed
        for x in buff:
            x = ord(x)
            j = sig
            sig = (sig << 1) & 0x1FF
            if sig >= 0x100:
                sig += 1
            sig = ((((sig + (j >> 8) + x) & 0xFF) | (j << 8))) & 0xFFFF
        return sig

    def compute_signature_nullifier(self, sig):
        '''Compute signature nullifier needed to create valid PakBus
        nulb = nullif = b''
        for i in (1, 2):
            sig = self.compute_signature(nulb, sig)
            sig2 = (sig << 1) & 0x1FF
            if sig2 >= 0x100:
                sig2 += 1
            nulb = chr((0x100 - (sig2 + (sig >> 8))) & 0xFF)
            nullif += nulb
        return nullif

    def quote(self, packet):
        '''Quote the PakBus packet.''''Quote packet')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBC', b'\xBC\xDC')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBD', b'\xBC\xDD')
        return packet

    def unquote(self, packet):
        '''Unquote the PakBus packet.''''Unquote packet')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBC\xDD', b'\xBD')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBC\xDC', b'\xBC')
        return packet

    def encode_bin(self, types, values):
        '''Encode binary data according to data type.'''
        buff = []  # buffer for binary data
        for i, type_ in enumerate(types):
            fmt = self.DATATYPE[type_]['fmt']  # get default format for type_
            value = values[i]

            if type_ == 'ASCIIZ':
                # special handling: nul-terminated string
                value += '\0'
                # Add nul to end of string
                fmt_ = str('%d%s' % (len(value), fmt))
                if is_py3:
                    enc = struct.pack(fmt_, bytes(value, encoding='utf8'))
                    enc = struct.pack(fmt_, str(value))
            elif type_ == 'ASCII':
                # special handling: fixed-length string
                fmt_ = str('%d%s' % (len(value), fmt))
                enc = struct.pack(fmt_, str(value))
            elif type_ == 'NSec':
                # special handling: NSec time
                enc = struct.pack(str(fmt), value[0], value[1])
                # default encoding scheme
                enc = struct.pack(str(fmt), value)

        return b''.join(buff)

    def decode_bin(self, types, buff, length=1):
        '''Decode binary data according to data type.'''
        offset = 0  # offset into buffer
        values = []  # list of values to return
        for type_ in types:
            # get default format and size for Type
            fmt = self.DATATYPE[type_]['fmt']
            size = self.DATATYPE[type_]['size']

            if type_ == 'ASCIIZ':
                # special handling: nul-terminated string
                nul = buff.index(b'\0', offset)
                # find first '\0' after offset
                if nul == -1:
                    value = buff[offset:]
                    value = buff[offset:nul]
                # return string without trailing '\0'
                size = len(value) + 1
            elif type_ == 'ASCII':
                # special handling: fixed-length string
                size = length
                value = buff[offset:offset + size]
                # return fixed-length string
            elif type_ == 'FP2':
                # special handling: FP2 floating point number
                fp2 = struct.unpack(str(fmt), buff[offset:offset + size])
                mant = fp2[0] & 0x1FFF    # mantissa is in bits 1-13
                exp = fp2[0] >> 13 & 0x3  # exponent is in bits 14-15
                sign = fp2[0] >> 15       # sign is in bit 16
                value = ((-1) ** sign * float(mant) / 10 ** exp, )
                # default decoding scheme
                if buff[offset:offset + size]:
                    value = struct.unpack(str(fmt), buff[offset:offset + size])
                    value = ''

            # un-tuple single values
            if len(value) == 1:
                value = value[0]

            offset += size
        # Return decoded values and current offset into buffer (size)
        return values, offset

    def decode_packet(self, data):
        '''Decode packet from raw data.''''Decode packet')
        # pkt: buffer containing unquoted packet, signature nullifier stripped
        # Initialize output variables
        hdr = {'LinkState': None, 'DstPhyAddr': None, 'ExpMoreCode': None,
               'Priority': None, 'SrcPhyAddr': None, 'HiProtoCode': None,
               'DstNodeId': None, 'HopCnt': None, 'SrcNodeId': None}
        msg = {'MsgType': None, 'TranNbr': None, 'raw': None}

        # decode PakBus header
        rawhdr = struct.unpack(str('>4H'), data[0:8])  # raw header bits
        hdr['LinkState'] = rawhdr[0] >> 12
        hdr['DstPhyAddr'] = rawhdr[0] & 0x0FFF
        hdr['ExpMoreCode'] = (rawhdr[1] & 0xC000) >> 14
        hdr['Priority'] = (rawhdr[1] & 0x3000) >> 12
        hdr['SrcPhyAddr'] = rawhdr[1] & 0x0FFF
        hdr['HiProtoCode'] = rawhdr[2] >> 12
        hdr['DstNodeId'] = rawhdr[2] & 0x0FFF
        hdr['HopCnt'] = rawhdr[3] >> 12
        hdr['SrcNodeId'] = rawhdr[3] & 0x0FFF

        # decode default message fields:
        # raw message, message type and transaction number
        msg['raw'] = data[8:]
        values, size = self.decode_bin(('Byte', 'Byte'), msg['raw'][:2])
        msg['MsgType'], msg['TranNbr'] = values'HiProtoCode, MsgType = <%x, %x>' %
                    (hdr['HiProtoCode'], msg['MsgType']))

        # PakBus Control Packets
        if hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 0 and msg['MsgType'] in (0x09, 0x89, 0xe):
            msg = self.unpack_hello_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 0 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x81:
            msg = self.unpack_failure_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 0 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x8f:
            msg = self.unpack_getsettings_response(msg)
        # BMP5 Application Packets
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x89:
            msg = self.unpack_collectdata_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x97:
            msg = self.unpack_clock_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x98:
            msg = self.unpack_getprogstat_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x9c:
            msg = self.unpack_filedownload_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x9d:
            msg = self.unpack_fileupload_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0xa1:
            msg = self.unpack_pleasewait_response(msg)
            LOGGER.error('No implementation for <(%r, %r)> packet type'
                         % (hdr['HiProtoCode'], msg['MsgType']))
        return hdr, msg

    def get_hello_cmd(self):
        '''Create Hello Command packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0, 0x1, self.RING)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'],
                              [0x09, transac_id, 0x00, 0x02, 1800])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def get_hello_response(self, transac_id):
        '''Create Hello Response packet.'''
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'],
                              [0x89, transac_id, 0x00, 0x02, 1800])
        return b''.join([hdr, msg])

    def unpack_hello_response(self, msg):
        '''Create Hello Response packet.'''
        raw = msg['raw'][2:]
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'], raw)
        msg['IsRouter'], msg['HopMetric'], msg['VerifyIntv'] = values
        return msg

    def unpack_failure_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Failure Response packet.'''
        (msg['ErrCode'],), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])
        return msg

    def get_getsettings_cmd(self):
        '''Create Getsettings Command packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte'], [0x0f, transac_id])
        return b''.join([hdr, msg]), transac_id

    def unpack_getsettings_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Getsettings Response packet.'''
        (msg['Outcome'],), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])
        offset = size + 2

        # Generate dictionary of all settings
        msg['Settings'] = []
        if msg['Outcome'] == 0x01:
            values, size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte'],
            msg['DeviceType'] = values[0]
            msg['MajorVersion'] = values[1]
            msg['MinorVersion'] = values[2]
            msg['MoreSettings'] = values[3]
            offset += size

            while offset < len(msg['raw']):
                # Get setting ID
                [SettingId], size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2'],
                offset += size
                if not msg['raw'][offset:]:
                # Get flags and length
                [bit16], size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2'], msg['raw'][offset:])
                LargeValue = (bit16 & 0x8000) >> 15
                ReadOnly = (bit16 & 0x4000) >> 14
                SettingLen = bit16 & 0x3FFF
                offset += size

                # Get value
                SettingValue = msg['raw'][offset:offset + SettingLen]
                offset += SettingLen
                item = {'SettingId': SettingId,
                        'SettingValue': SettingValue,
                        'LargeValue': LargeValue,
                        'ReadOnly': ReadOnly}
        return msg

    def get_collectdata_cmd(self, tablenbr, tabledefsig, mode=0x04, p1=0,
        '''Create Collect Data Command packet

        :param tablenbr: Table number that contain data.
        :param tabledefsig: Table definition signature.
        :param mode: Collection mode code (p1 and p2 will be used depending on
        :param p1: 1st parameter used to specify what to collect (optional)
        :param p2: 2nd parameter used to specify what to collect (optional)
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2', 'Byte'],
                              [0x09, transac_id, self.security_code,
        # encode table number and signature
        msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt2', 'UInt2'], [tablenbr, tabledefsig])
        # add p1 and p2 according to collect mode
        if (mode == 0x04) | (mode == 0x05):
            # only P1 used (type UInt4)
            msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt4'], [p1])
        elif (mode == 0x06) | (mode == 0x08):
            # P1 and P2 used (type UInt4)
            msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt4', 'UInt4'], [p1, p2])
        elif mode == 0x07:
            # P1 and P2 used (type NSec)
            msg += self.encode_bin(['NSec', 'NSec'], [p1, p2])
        # add field list = all fields
        msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt2'], [0])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_collectdata_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Collect Data Response body.'''
        (msg['RespCode'],), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])
        # return raw record data for later parsing
        msg['RecData'] = msg['raw'][size + 2:]
        return msg

    def get_clock_cmd(self, adjustment=(0, 0)):
        '''Create Clock Command packet.

        :param adjustment: Clock adjustment (seconds, nanoseconds).
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2', 'NSec'],
                              [0x17, transac_id, self.security_code,
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_clock_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Clock Response packet.'''
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'NSec'], msg['raw'][2:])
        msg['RespCode'], msg['Time'] = values
        return msg

    def get_getprogstat_cmd(self):
        '''Create Get Programming Statistics Transaction packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'],
                              [0x18, transac_id, self.security_code])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_getprogstat_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Get Programming Statistics Response packet.'''
        # Get response code
        (msg['RespCode'], ), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])

        # Get report data if RespCode == 0
        if msg['RespCode'] == 0:
            types = ['ASCIIZ', 'UInt2', 'ASCIIZ', 'ASCIIZ', 'Byte', 'ASCIIZ',
                     'UInt2', 'NSec', 'ASCIIZ']
            values, size = self.decode_bin(types, msg['raw'][3:])
            item = {'OSVer': values[0], 'OSSig': values[1],
                    'SerialNbr': values[2], 'PowUpProg': values[3],
                    'CompState': values[4], 'ProgName': values[5],
                    'ProgSig': values[6], 'CompTime': values[7],
                    'CompResult': values[8]}
            msg['Stats'] = item
        return msg

    def get_filedownload_cmd(self, filename, data, offset=0x00000000,
                             closeflag=0x00, transac_id=None):
        '''Create Filedownload Command packet.

        :param filename: File name as string
        :param offset: Byte offset into the file or fragment
        :param closeflag: Flag if file should be closed after this transaction
        :param transac_id: Transaction number for continuing partial reads
        raise NotImplementedError('Filedownload transaction is not implemented'
                                  ' yet')

    def unpack_filedownload_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Filedownload Response packet.'''
        raise NotImplementedError('Filedownload transaction is not implemented'
                                  ' yet')

    def get_fileupload_cmd(self, filename, offset=0x00000000, swath=0x0200,
                           closeflag=0x01, transac_id=None):
        '''Create Fileupload Command packet.

        :param filename: File name as string
        :param offset: Byte offset into the file or fragment
        :param swath: Number of bytes to read
        :param closeflag: Flag if file should be closed after this transaction
        :param transac_id: Transaction number for continuing partial reads
                           (required by OS>=17!)
        if transac_id is None:
            transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        types = ['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2', 'ASCIIZ', 'Byte', 'UInt4', 'UInt2']
        values = [0x1d, transac_id, self.security_code, filename, closeflag,
                  offset, swath]
        msg = self.encode_bin(types, values)
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_fileupload_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Fileupload Response packet.'''
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'UInt4'], msg['raw'][2:7])
        msg['RespCode'], msg['FileOffset'] = values
        msg['FileData'] = msg['raw'][7:]
        return msg

    def unpack_pleasewait_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack PeaseWait Response packet.'''
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'UInt2'], msg['raw'][2:])
        msg['CmdMsgType'], msg['WaitSec'] = values
        return msg

    def get_bye_cmd(self):
        '''Create Bye Command packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # PakBus Control Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0, 0x0, self.FINISHED)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte'], [0x0d, 0x0])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def parse_filedir(self, data):
        '''Parse file directory format.'''
        offset = 0  # offset into raw buffer
        fd = {'files': []}  # initialize file directory structure
        [fd['DirVersion']], size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], data[offset:])
        offset += size
        # Extract file entries
        while len(data) > offset:
            file_ = {}  # file description
            [filename], size = self.decode_bin(['ASCIIZ'], data[offset:])
            offset += size

            # end loop when file attribute list terminator reached
            if filename == '':

            file_['FileName'] = filename
            values, size = self.decode_bin(['UInt4', 'ASCIIZ'], data[offset:])
            file_['FileSize'], file_['LastUpdate'] = values
            offset += size

            # Read file attribute list
            file_['Attribute'] = []
            # initialize file attribute list (up to 12)
            for i in range(12):
                [attribute], size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], data[offset:])
                offset += size
                if attribute:
                    # append file attribute to list
                    break  # End of attribute list reached
            fd['files'].append(file_)  # add file entry to list
        return fd

    def parse_tabledef(self, raw):
        '''Parse table definition.'''
        tabledef = []  # List of table definitions
        offset = 0  # offset into raw buffer
        fslversion, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
        offset += size

        # Parse list of table definitions
        while offset < len(raw):

            tblhdr = {}  # table header
            tblfld = []  # table field definitions
            start = offset  # start of table definition

            # Extract table header data
            types = ['ASCIIZ', 'UInt4', 'Byte', 'NSec', 'NSec']
            values, size = self.decode_bin(types, raw[offset:])
            tblhdr['TableName'] = values[0]
            tblhdr['TableSize'] = values[1]
            tblhdr['TimeType'] = values[2]
            tblhdr['TblTimeInto'] = values[3]
            tblhdr['TblInterval'] = values[4]

            offset += size

            # Extract field definitions
            (fieldtype,), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
            offset += size
            while fieldtype != 0:
                fld = {}

                # Extract bits from fieldtype
                fld['ReadOnly'] = fieldtype >> 7  # only Bit 7

                # Convert fieldtype to ASCII FieldType (e.g. 'FP4') if possible
                # else return numerical value
                fld['FieldType'] = fieldtype & 0x7F  # only Bits 0..6
                for Type in self.DATATYPE.keys():
                    if fld['FieldType'] == self.DATATYPE[Type]['code']:
                        fld['FieldType'] = Type

                # Extract field name
                values, size = self.decode_bin(['ASCIIZ'], raw[offset:])
                fld['FieldName'] = values[0]
                offset += size

                # Extract AliasName list
                fld['AliasName'] = []
                aliasname = b'00'
                # Alias names list terminator reached
                while aliasname != b'':
                    values, size = self.decode_bin(['ASCIIZ'], raw[offset:])
                    aliasname = values[0]
                    offset += size
                    if aliasname != b'':

                # Extract other mandatory field definition items
                types = ['ASCIIZ', 'ASCIIZ', 'ASCIIZ', 'UInt4', 'UInt4']
                values, size = self.decode_bin(types, raw[offset:])
                fld['Processing'] = values[0]
                fld['Units'] = values[1]
                fld['Description'] = values[2]
                fld['BegIdx'] = values[3]
                fld['Dimension'] = values[4]
                offset += size

                # Extract sub dimension (if any)
                fld['SubDim'] = []
                subdim = 1
                # sub-dimension list terminator reached
                while subdim != 0:
                    (subdim,), size = self.decode_bin(['UInt4'], raw[offset:])
                    offset += size
                    if subdim != 0:

                # append current field definition to list

                (fieldtype,), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
                offset += size
            # calculate table signature
            tblsig = self.compute_signature(raw[start:offset])

            # Append header, field list and signature to table definition list
            item = {'Header': tblhdr, 'Fields': tblfld, 'Signature': tblsig}
        return tabledef

    def parse_collectdata(self, raw, tabledef, fieldnbr=[]):
        '''Parse data returned by Collectdata Response.'''
        offset = 0
        recdata = []  # output structure

        while offset < len(raw) - 1:
            frag = {}  # record fragment

            values, size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2', 'UInt4'], raw[offset:])
            frag['TableNbr'], frag['BegRecNbr'] = values
            offset += size

            # Provide table name
            t_frag = tabledef[frag['TableNbr'] - 1]
            tablename = t_frag['Header']['TableName']
            frag['TableName'] = tablename

            # Decode number of records (16 bits) or ByteOffset (32 Bits)
            (isoffset,), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
            frag['IsOffset'] = isoffset >> 7

            # Handle fragmented records
            if frag['IsOffset']:
                (byteoffset,), size = self.decode_bin(['UInt4'], raw[offset:])
                offset += size
                frag['ByteOffset'] = byteoffset & 0x7FFFFFFF
                frag['NbrOfRecs'] = None
                # Copy remaining raw data into RecFrag
                frag['RecFrag'] = raw[offset:-1]
                offset += len(frag['RecFrag'])

            # Handle complete records (standard case)
                (nbrofrecs,), size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2'], raw[offset:])
                offset += size
                frag['NbrOfRecs'] = nbrofrecs & 0x7FFF
                frag['ByteOffset'] = None

                # Get time of first record and time interval information
                interval = t_frag['Header']['TblInterval']
                if interval == (0, 0):  # event-driven table
                    timeofrec = None
                    # interval data, read time of first record
                    [timeofrec], size = self.decode_bin(['NSec'], raw[offset:])
                    offset += size

                # Loop over all records
                frag['RecFrag'] = []
                for n in range(frag['NbrOfRecs']):
                    record = {}

                    # Calculate current record number
                    record['RecNbr'] = frag['BegRecNbr'] + n

                    # Get TimeOfRec for interval data or event-driven tables
                    if timeofrec:  # interval data
                        next_timeofrec = (timeofrec[0] + n * interval[0],
                                          timeofrec[1] + n * interval[1])
                        record['TimeOfRec'] = nsec_to_time(next_timeofrec)
                        # event-driven, time data precedes each record
                        values, size = self.decode_bin(['NSec'], raw[offset:])
                        record['TimeOfRec'] = values[0]
                        record['TimeOfRec'] = nsec_to_time(record['TimeOfRec'])
                        offset += size

                    # Loop over all field indices
                    record['Fields'] = {}
                    if fieldnbr:
                        # explicit field numbers provided
                        fields = fieldnbr
                        # default: generate list of all fields in table
                        fields = t_frag['Fields']
                        fields = range(1, len(fields) + 1)

                    for field in fields:
                        fieldname = t_frag['Fields'][field - 1]['FieldName']
                        fieldtype = t_frag['Fields'][field - 1]['FieldType']
                        dimension = t_frag['Fields'][field - 1]['Dimension']
                        if fieldtype == 'ASCII':
                            values, size = self.decode_bin([fieldtype],
                            record['Fields'][fieldname] = values[0]
                            values, size = \
                                self.decode_bin(dimension * [fieldtype],
                            record['Fields'][fieldname] = values[0]
                        offset += size


        # Get flag if more records exist
        (more_rec,), size = self.decode_bin(['Bool'], raw[offset:])
        return recdata, more_rec

    def __del__(self):

    def __str__(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        return '<%s %s>' % (name,

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s' % self.__str__()
With kindest regards.
You may need to add some debugging output to see what the values are when run. The error message is telling you that the format passed into the struct is a 4-byte element. But the buffer you passed in is not (exactly) 4 bytes. You'll need to see what size is set to there, and why it doesn't match the needed size of 4.

>>> struct.unpack("i", buf[:3])                # size of 3 is to small for "int"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes
>>> struct.unpack("i", buf[:5])                # size of 5 is too big for "int"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes
>>> struct.unpack("i", buf[:4])                # size of 4 is just right....
Hi all,

It has been some time ago i posted the buffer error with the pycampbellcr1000 package.
It still getting the error above.
I have installed pycharm which has a debug function, but i dont have a clue how to interpret it Angry

Maybe someone is able to install the package or has a solution to it?
The designer of the package isnt responsive anymore...

With the kindest regards,


I ran the debug function in pycharm and this is the outcome:

[Image: Screenshot-20220205-195515.png]

Here is the screen from when i run the code:

[Image: Screenshot-20220205-202215.png]
decode_bin() was told to unpack buffer b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00' into 4 values of types ASCIIZ, ASCIIZ, ASCIIZ, ASCIIZ, Uint4, Unit4.

According to this code, ASCIIZ is a null terminated string and it will pull of all the bytes up to the null character (\x00).
            if type_ == 'ASCIIZ':
                # special handling: nul-terminated string
                nul = buff.index(b'\0', offset)
                # find first '\0' after offset
                if nul == -1:
                    value = buff[offset:]
                    value = buff[offset:nul]
                # return string without trailing '\0'
                size = len(value) + 1
Since your buffer starts with a bunch of null characters, unpacking the 4 ASCIIZ values essentially removes the 4 leading null characters (actually it increments an offset. Now your remaing buffer is b'x\00x\00x\00x\01x\00'.

The next type is Uint4. According to the DATATYPE dictionary in the PakBus class, this code grabs the next 4 bytes and interprets them as an unsigned int using format >L.
    DATATYPE = {
        'Byte': {'code': 1, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'UInt2': {'code': 2, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'UInt4': {'code': 3, 'fmt': '>L', 'size': 4},
This will grab b'x\00x\00x\00x\01' and convert it to 1.

The only thing remaining in the buffer is 0x00 (offset = 7). The next type is another Unit4 which requires 4 bytes. Buffer only has 1 byte left, not 4. The code fails.

decode_bin() is not your error, the buffer being passed to decode_bin is the problem. You can trace this back to device.table_def() calling device.getfile() and asking pakbus.parse_table to parse the data.
    def table_def(self):
        '''Return table definition.'''
        data = self.getfile('.TDF')
        # List tables
        tabledef = self.pakbus.parse_tabledef(data)
        return tabledef
So there could be a problem with device.getfile(). Maybe the command it sends is wrong. I would print the cmd after doing this:
            cmd = self.pakbus.get_fileupload_cmd(filename,
Does the filename make sense? What about the offset?

The command is sent to your device and a response read back.
hdr, msg, send_time = self.send_wait(cmd)
The parsing "msg" is where your program eventually crashes. Is the command sent incorrectly? Is the response read incorrectly?

This is device.send_wait()
def send_wait(self, cmd):
        '''Send command and wait for response packet.'''
        packet, transac_id = cmd
        begin = time.time()
        # wait response packet
        response = self.pakbus.wait_packet(transac_id)
        end = time.time()
        send_time = timedelta(seconds=int((end - begin) / 2))
        return response[0], response[1], send_time
Pretty simple. Write the packet and read response. Looks like we are headed back to pakbus again. pakbus.write(), and pakbus.wait_packet(). This is where I would set my breakpoints. What is the buffer I am going to write? What is the buffer I just read? What is the link?
Hi deanhystad,

Thank you for the effort looking into this.
But unfortunately i dont know what to do next Blush
In which python file from the pycampbellcr1000 package do i have to add which code?

With the kindest regards,

Set breakpoints in pakbus.write() and pakbus.wait_packet(), or add some print statments. Look at what you are sending and what you are getting back. Do they make sense to you? If not, record the info and post here again. I can't do much debugging without a device to talk to.
I will try Smile
Hi, i made some print functions in the pakbus package in line 114, 176 and 202, as can be seen here:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    PakBus protocol Implementation.

    Original Author: Dietrich Feist, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
                     Jena Germany (PyPak)
    :copyright: Copyright 2012 Salem Harrache and contributors, see AUTHORS.
    :license: GNU GPL v3.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import struct
import time

from .compat import ord, chr, is_text, is_py3, bytes
from .logger import LOGGER
from .utils import Singleton
from .exceptions import DeliveryFailureException
from .utils import bytes_to_hex, nsec_to_time

class Transaction(Singleton):
    id = 0

    def next_id(self): += 1 &= 0xFF

class PakBus(object):
    '''Interface for a pakbus client.

    :param link: A `PyLink` connection.
    :param dest_addr: Destination physical address (12-bit int) (default dest)
    :param dest: Destination node ID (12-bit int) (default 0x001)
    :param src_addr: Source physical address (12-bit int) (default src)
    :param src: Source node ID (12-bit int) (default 0x802)
    :param security_code: 16-bit security code (default 0x0000)

    DATATYPE = {
        'Byte': {'code': 1, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'UInt2': {'code': 2, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'UInt4': {'code': 3, 'fmt': '>L', 'size': 4},
        'Int1': {'code': 4, 'fmt': 'b', 'size': 1},
        'Int2': {'code': 5, 'fmt': '>h', 'size': 2},
        'Int4': {'code': 6, 'fmt': '>l', 'size': 4},
        'FP2': {'code': 7, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'FP3': {'code': 15, 'fmt': '3c', 'size': 3},
        'FP4': {'code': 8, 'fmt': '4c', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE4B': {'code': 9, 'fmt': '>f', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE8B': {'code': 18, 'fmt': '>d', 'size': 8},
        'Bool8': {'code': 17, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'Bool': {'code': 10, 'fmt': 'B', 'size': 1},
        'Bool2': {'code': 27, 'fmt': '>H', 'size': 2},
        'Bool4': {'code': 28, 'fmt': '>L', 'size': 4},
        'Sec': {'code': 12, 'fmt': '>l', 'size': 4},
        'USec': {'code': 13, 'fmt': '6c', 'size': 6},
        'NSec': {'code': 14, 'fmt': '>2l', 'size': 8},
        'ASCII': {'code': 11, 'fmt': 's', 'size': None},
        'ASCIIZ': {'code': 16, 'fmt': 's', 'size': None},
        'Short': {'code': 19, 'fmt': '<h', 'size': 2},
        'Long': {'code': 20, 'fmt': '<l', 'size': 4},
        'UShort': {'code': 21, 'fmt': '<H', 'size': 2},
        'ULong': {'code': 22, 'fmt': '<L', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE4L': {'code': 24, 'fmt': '<f', 'size': 4},
        'IEEE8L': {'code': 25, 'fmt': '<d', 'size': 8},
        'SecNano': {'code': 23, 'fmt': '<2l', 'size': 8},

    # link state
    RING = 0x9
    READY = 0xA
    FINISHED = 0xB

    def __init__(self, link, dest_addr=None, dest=0x001,
                 src_addr=None, src=0x802, security_code=0x0000): = link
        self.src = src
        if (src_addr != None):
            self.src_addr = src_addr
            self.src_addr = src
        self.dest = dest
        if (dest_addr != None):
            self.dest_addr = dest_addr
            self.dest_addr = dest
        self.security_code = security_code
        self.transaction = Transaction()'Get the node attention')'\xBD\xBD\xBD\xBD\xBD\xBD')

    def write(self, packet):
        '''Send packet over PakBus.''''Packet data: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))'Calculate signature for packet')
        sign = self.compute_signature(packet)'Calculate signature nullifier to create packet')
        nullifier = self.compute_signature_nullifier(sign)
        frame = self.quote(b''.join((packet, nullifier)))
        packet = b''.join((b'\xBD', frame, b'\xBD'))'Write: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))

        print('Write: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))

    def read(self):
        '''Receive packet over PakBus.'''
        all_bytes = []
        byte = None
        begin = time.time()
        while byte != b'\xBD':
            if (byte != None):
      'Read byte: %s' % bytes_to_hex(byte))
            if time.time() - begin >
                return None
            # Read until first \xBD frame character
            byte = self._read_one_byte()
        while byte == b'\xBD':
            # Read unitl first character other than \xBD
            byte = self._read_one_byte()
        while byte != b'\xBD':
            # Read until next occurence of \xBD character
            byte = self._read_one_byte()

        # Unquote quoted characters
        packet = b''.join(all_bytes)'Read packet: %s' % bytes_to_hex(packet))
        packet = self.unquote(packet)

        # Calculate signature (should be zero)
        if self.compute_signature(packet):
            LOGGER.error('Check signature : Error')
            return None
  'Check signature : OK')
            # Strip last 2 signature bytes and return packet
            return packet[:-2]

    def _read_one_byte(self):
        '''Read only one byte.'''
        data =
        if is_text(data):
            return bytes(data.encode('utf-8'))
            return data

    def wait_packet(self, transac_id=None):
        '''Wait for an incoming packet.

        :param transac_id: Expected transaction number.
        ''''Wait packet with transaction %s' % transac_id)
        data =
        if data is None or data == b'':
            return {}, {}

        hdr, msg = self.decode_packet(data)
        if hdr == {} or msg == {}:
            return hdr, msg


        # ignore packets that are not for us'src, SrcNodeId = <%x, %x>' %
                    (self.src, hdr['SrcNodeId']))'dest, DstNodeId = <%x, %x>' %
                    (self.dest, hdr['DstNodeId']))

        if (hdr['DstNodeId'] != self.src):
            return {}, {}

        # Handle 'please wait' packets
        if msg['TranNbr'] == transac_id and msg['MsgType'] == 0xa1:
            timewait = msg['WaitSec']
  'Please Wait Message packet <%s sec>' % timewait)
            return self.wait_packet(transac_id)

        # Handle failure message packets and raise exception
        if msg['MsgType'] == 0x81:
            raise DeliveryFailureException()


        # This should be the packet we are waiting for
        if msg['TranNbr'] == transac_id:
            return hdr, msg

    def pack_header(self, hi_proto, exp_more=0x2, link_state=None,
        '''Generate PakBus header.

        :param hi_proto: Higher level protocol code (4 bits). 0x0: PakCtrl,
                         0x1: BMP5
        :param exp_more: Whether client should expect another packet (2 bits)
        :param link_state: Link state (4 bits)
        :param hops: Number of hops to destination (4 bits)
        ''''Create header')
        priority = 0x1
        link_state = link_state or self.READY
        # bitwise encoding of header fields
        hdr = struct.pack(str('>4H'),
                          (link_state & 0xF) << 12 | (self.dest_addr & 0xFFF),
                          (exp_more & 0x3) << 14 | (priority & 0x3) << 12
                                                 | (self.src_addr & 0xFFF),
                          (hi_proto & 0xF) << 12 | (self.dest & 0xFFF),
                          (hops & 0xF) << 12 | (self.src & 0xFFF))
        return hdr

    def compute_signature(self, buff, seed=0xAAAA):
        '''Compute signature for PakBus packets.'''
        sig = seed
        for x in buff:
            x = ord(x)
            j = sig
            sig = (sig << 1) & 0x1FF
            if sig >= 0x100:
                sig += 1
            sig = ((((sig + (j >> 8) + x) & 0xFF) | (j << 8))) & 0xFFFF
        return sig

    def compute_signature_nullifier(self, sig):
        '''Compute signature nullifier needed to create valid PakBus
        nulb = nullif = b''
        for i in (1, 2):
            sig = self.compute_signature(nulb, sig)
            sig2 = (sig << 1) & 0x1FF
            if sig2 >= 0x100:
                sig2 += 1
            nulb = chr((0x100 - (sig2 + (sig >> 8))) & 0xFF)
            nullif += nulb
        return nullif

    def quote(self, packet):
        '''Quote the PakBus packet.''''Quote packet')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBC', b'\xBC\xDC')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBD', b'\xBC\xDD')
        return packet

    def unquote(self, packet):
        '''Unquote the PakBus packet.''''Unquote packet')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBC\xDD', b'\xBD')
        packet = packet.replace(b'\xBC\xDC', b'\xBC')
        return packet

    def encode_bin(self, types, values):
        '''Encode binary data according to data type.'''
        buff = []  # buffer for binary data
        for i, type_ in enumerate(types):
            fmt = self.DATATYPE[type_]['fmt']  # get default format for type_
            value = values[i]

            if type_ == 'ASCIIZ':
                # special handling: nul-terminated string
                value += '\0'
                # Add nul to end of string
                fmt_ = str('%d%s' % (len(value), fmt))
                if is_py3:
                    enc = struct.pack(fmt_, bytes(value, encoding='utf8'))
                    enc = struct.pack(fmt_, str(value))
            elif type_ == 'ASCII':
                # special handling: fixed-length string
                fmt_ = str('%d%s' % (len(value), fmt))
                enc = struct.pack(fmt_, str(value))
            elif type_ == 'NSec':
                # special handling: NSec time
                enc = struct.pack(str(fmt), value[0], value[1])
                # default encoding scheme
                enc = struct.pack(str(fmt), value)

        return b''.join(buff)

    def decode_bin(self, types, buff, length=1):
        '''Decode binary data according to data type.'''
        offset = 0  # offset into buffer
        values = []  # list of values to return
        for type_ in types:
            # get default format and size for Type
            fmt = self.DATATYPE[type_]['fmt']
            size = self.DATATYPE[type_]['size']

            if type_ == 'ASCIIZ':
                # special handling: nul-terminated string
                nul = buff.index(b'\0', offset)
                # find first '\0' after offset
                if nul == -1:
                    value = buff[offset:]
                    value = buff[offset:nul]
                # return string without trailing '\0'
                size = len(value) + 1
            elif type_ == 'ASCII':
                # special handling: fixed-length string
                size = length
                value = buff[offset:offset + size]
                # return fixed-length string
            elif type_ == 'FP2':
                # special handling: FP2 floating point number
                fp2 = struct.unpack(str(fmt), buff[offset:offset + size])
                mant = fp2[0] & 0x1FFF    # mantissa is in bits 1-13
                exp = fp2[0] >> 13 & 0x3  # exponent is in bits 14-15
                sign = fp2[0] >> 15       # sign is in bit 16
                value = ((-1) ** sign * float(mant) / 10 ** exp, )
                # default decoding scheme
                if buff[offset:offset + size]:
                    value = struct.unpack(str(fmt), buff[offset:offset + size])
                    value = ''

            # un-tuple single values
            if len(value) == 1:
                value = value[0]

            offset += size
        # Return decoded values and current offset into buffer (size)
        return values, offset

    def decode_packet(self, data):
        '''Decode packet from raw data.''''Decode packet')
        # pkt: buffer containing unquoted packet, signature nullifier stripped
        # Initialize output variables
        hdr = {'LinkState': None, 'DstPhyAddr': None, 'ExpMoreCode': None,
               'Priority': None, 'SrcPhyAddr': None, 'HiProtoCode': None,
               'DstNodeId': None, 'HopCnt': None, 'SrcNodeId': None}
        msg = {'MsgType': None, 'TranNbr': None, 'raw': None}

        # decode PakBus header
        rawhdr = struct.unpack(str('>4H'), data[0:8])  # raw header bits
        hdr['LinkState'] = rawhdr[0] >> 12
        hdr['DstPhyAddr'] = rawhdr[0] & 0x0FFF
        hdr['ExpMoreCode'] = (rawhdr[1] & 0xC000) >> 14
        hdr['Priority'] = (rawhdr[1] & 0x3000) >> 12
        hdr['SrcPhyAddr'] = rawhdr[1] & 0x0FFF
        hdr['HiProtoCode'] = rawhdr[2] >> 12
        hdr['DstNodeId'] = rawhdr[2] & 0x0FFF
        hdr['HopCnt'] = rawhdr[3] >> 12
        hdr['SrcNodeId'] = rawhdr[3] & 0x0FFF

        # decode default message fields:
        # raw message, message type and transaction number
        msg['raw'] = data[8:]
        values, size = self.decode_bin(('Byte', 'Byte'), msg['raw'][:2])
        msg['MsgType'], msg['TranNbr'] = values'HiProtoCode, MsgType = <%x, %x>' %
                    (hdr['HiProtoCode'], msg['MsgType']))

        # PakBus Control Packets
        if hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 0 and msg['MsgType'] in (0x09, 0x89, 0xe):
            msg = self.unpack_hello_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 0 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x81:
            msg = self.unpack_failure_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 0 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x8f:
            msg = self.unpack_getsettings_response(msg)
        # BMP5 Application Packets
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x89:
            msg = self.unpack_collectdata_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x97:
            msg = self.unpack_clock_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x98:
            msg = self.unpack_getprogstat_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x9c:
            msg = self.unpack_filedownload_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0x9d:
            msg = self.unpack_fileupload_response(msg)
        elif hdr['HiProtoCode'] == 1 and msg['MsgType'] == 0xa1:
            msg = self.unpack_pleasewait_response(msg)
            LOGGER.error('No implementation for <(%r, %r)> packet type'
                         % (hdr['HiProtoCode'], msg['MsgType']))
        return hdr, msg

    def get_hello_cmd(self):
        '''Create Hello Command packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0, 0x1, self.RING)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'],
                              [0x09, transac_id, 0x00, 0x02, 1800])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def get_hello_response(self, transac_id):
        '''Create Hello Response packet.'''
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'],
                              [0x89, transac_id, 0x00, 0x02, 1800])
        return b''.join([hdr, msg])

    def unpack_hello_response(self, msg):
        '''Create Hello Response packet.'''
        raw = msg['raw'][2:]
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'], raw)
        msg['IsRouter'], msg['HopMetric'], msg['VerifyIntv'] = values
        return msg

    def unpack_failure_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Failure Response packet.'''
        (msg['ErrCode'],), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])
        return msg

    def get_getsettings_cmd(self):
        '''Create Getsettings Command packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte'], [0x0f, transac_id])
        return b''.join([hdr, msg]), transac_id

    def unpack_getsettings_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Getsettings Response packet.'''
        (msg['Outcome'],), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])
        offset = size + 2

        # Generate dictionary of all settings
        msg['Settings'] = []
        if msg['Outcome'] == 0x01:
            values, size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2', 'Byte', 'Byte', 'Byte'],
            msg['DeviceType'] = values[0]
            msg['MajorVersion'] = values[1]
            msg['MinorVersion'] = values[2]
            msg['MoreSettings'] = values[3]
            offset += size

            while offset < len(msg['raw']):
                # Get setting ID
                [SettingId], size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2'],
                offset += size
                if not msg['raw'][offset:]:
                # Get flags and length
                [bit16], size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2'], msg['raw'][offset:])
                LargeValue = (bit16 & 0x8000) >> 15
                ReadOnly = (bit16 & 0x4000) >> 14
                SettingLen = bit16 & 0x3FFF
                offset += size

                # Get value
                SettingValue = msg['raw'][offset:offset + SettingLen]
                offset += SettingLen
                item = {'SettingId': SettingId,
                        'SettingValue': SettingValue,
                        'LargeValue': LargeValue,
                        'ReadOnly': ReadOnly}
        return msg

    def get_collectdata_cmd(self, tablenbr, tabledefsig, mode=0x04, p1=0,
        '''Create Collect Data Command packet

        :param tablenbr: Table number that contain data.
        :param tabledefsig: Table definition signature.
        :param mode: Collection mode code (p1 and p2 will be used depending on
        :param p1: 1st parameter used to specify what to collect (optional)
        :param p2: 2nd parameter used to specify what to collect (optional)
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2', 'Byte'],
                              [0x09, transac_id, self.security_code,
        # encode table number and signature
        msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt2', 'UInt2'], [tablenbr, tabledefsig])
        # add p1 and p2 according to collect mode
        if (mode == 0x04) | (mode == 0x05):
            # only P1 used (type UInt4)
            msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt4'], [p1])
        elif (mode == 0x06) | (mode == 0x08):
            # P1 and P2 used (type UInt4)
            msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt4', 'UInt4'], [p1, p2])
        elif mode == 0x07:
            # P1 and P2 used (type NSec)
            msg += self.encode_bin(['NSec', 'NSec'], [p1, p2])
        # add field list = all fields
        msg += self.encode_bin(['UInt2'], [0])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_collectdata_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Collect Data Response body.'''
        (msg['RespCode'],), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])
        # return raw record data for later parsing
        msg['RecData'] = msg['raw'][size + 2:]
        return msg

    def get_clock_cmd(self, adjustment=(0, 0)):
        '''Create Clock Command packet.

        :param adjustment: Clock adjustment (seconds, nanoseconds).
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2', 'NSec'],
                              [0x17, transac_id, self.security_code,
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_clock_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Clock Response packet.'''
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'NSec'], msg['raw'][2:])
        msg['RespCode'], msg['Time'] = values
        return msg

    def get_getprogstat_cmd(self):
        '''Create Get Programming Statistics Transaction packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2'],
                              [0x18, transac_id, self.security_code])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_getprogstat_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Get Programming Statistics Response packet.'''
        # Get response code
        (msg['RespCode'], ), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], msg['raw'][2:])

        # Get report data if RespCode == 0
        if msg['RespCode'] == 0:
            types = ['ASCIIZ', 'UInt2', 'ASCIIZ', 'ASCIIZ', 'Byte', 'ASCIIZ',
                     'UInt2', 'NSec', 'ASCIIZ']
            values, size = self.decode_bin(types, msg['raw'][3:])
            item = {'OSVer': values[0], 'OSSig': values[1],
                    'SerialNbr': values[2], 'PowUpProg': values[3],
                    'CompState': values[4], 'ProgName': values[5],
                    'ProgSig': values[6], 'CompTime': values[7],
                    'CompResult': values[8]}
            msg['Stats'] = item
        return msg

    def get_filedownload_cmd(self, filename, data, offset=0x00000000,
                             closeflag=0x00, transac_id=None):
        '''Create Filedownload Command packet.

        :param filename: File name as string
        :param offset: Byte offset into the file or fragment
        :param closeflag: Flag if file should be closed after this transaction
        :param transac_id: Transaction number for continuing partial reads
        raise NotImplementedError('Filedownload transaction is not implemented'
                                  ' yet')

    def unpack_filedownload_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Filedownload Response packet.'''
        raise NotImplementedError('Filedownload transaction is not implemented'
                                  ' yet')

    def get_fileupload_cmd(self, filename, offset=0x00000000, swath=0x0200,
                           closeflag=0x01, transac_id=None):
        '''Create Fileupload Command packet.

        :param filename: File name as string
        :param offset: Byte offset into the file or fragment
        :param swath: Number of bytes to read
        :param closeflag: Flag if file should be closed after this transaction
        :param transac_id: Transaction number for continuing partial reads
                           (required by OS>=17!)
        if transac_id is None:
            transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # BMP5 Application Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x1)
        types = ['Byte', 'Byte', 'UInt2', 'ASCIIZ', 'Byte', 'UInt4', 'UInt2']
        values = [0x1d, transac_id, self.security_code, filename, closeflag,
                  offset, swath]
        msg = self.encode_bin(types, values)
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def unpack_fileupload_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack Fileupload Response packet.'''
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'UInt4'], msg['raw'][2:7])
        msg['RespCode'], msg['FileOffset'] = values
        msg['FileData'] = msg['raw'][7:]
        return msg

    def unpack_pleasewait_response(self, msg):
        '''Unpack PeaseWait Response packet.'''
        values, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte', 'UInt2'], msg['raw'][2:])
        msg['CmdMsgType'], msg['WaitSec'] = values
        return msg

    def get_bye_cmd(self):
        '''Create Bye Command packet.'''
        transac_id = self.transaction.next_id()
        # PakBus Control Packet
        hdr = self.pack_header(0x0, 0x0, self.FINISHED)
        msg = self.encode_bin(['Byte', 'Byte'], [0x0d, 0x0])
        return b''.join((hdr, msg)), transac_id

    def parse_filedir(self, data):
        '''Parse file directory format.'''
        offset = 0  # offset into raw buffer
        fd = {'files': []}  # initialize file directory structure
        [fd['DirVersion']], size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], data[offset:])
        offset += size
        # Extract file entries
        while len(data) > offset:
            file_ = {}  # file description
            [filename], size = self.decode_bin(['ASCIIZ'], data[offset:])
            offset += size

            # end loop when file attribute list terminator reached
            if filename == '':

            file_['FileName'] = filename
            values, size = self.decode_bin(['UInt4', 'ASCIIZ'], data[offset:])
            file_['FileSize'], file_['LastUpdate'] = values
            offset += size

            # Read file attribute list
            file_['Attribute'] = []
            # initialize file attribute list (up to 12)
            for i in range(12):
                [attribute], size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], data[offset:])
                offset += size
                if attribute:
                    # append file attribute to list
                    break  # End of attribute list reached
            fd['files'].append(file_)  # add file entry to list
        return fd

    def parse_tabledef(self, raw):
        '''Parse table definition.'''
        tabledef = []  # List of table definitions
        offset = 0  # offset into raw buffer
        fslversion, size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
        offset += size

        # Parse list of table definitions
        while offset < len(raw):

            tblhdr = {}  # table header
            tblfld = []  # table field definitions
            start = offset  # start of table definition

            # Extract table header data
            types = ['ASCIIZ', 'UInt4', 'Byte', 'NSec', 'NSec']
            values, size = self.decode_bin(types, raw[offset:])
            tblhdr['TableName'] = values[0]
            tblhdr['TableSize'] = values[1]
            tblhdr['TimeType'] = values[2]
            tblhdr['TblTimeInto'] = values[3]
            tblhdr['TblInterval'] = values[4]

            offset += size

            # Extract field definitions
            (fieldtype,), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
            offset += size
            while fieldtype != 0:
                fld = {}

                # Extract bits from fieldtype
                fld['ReadOnly'] = fieldtype >> 7  # only Bit 7

                # Convert fieldtype to ASCII FieldType (e.g. 'FP4') if possible
                # else return numerical value
                fld['FieldType'] = fieldtype & 0x7F  # only Bits 0..6
                for Type in self.DATATYPE.keys():
                    if fld['FieldType'] == self.DATATYPE[Type]['code']:
                        fld['FieldType'] = Type

                # Extract field name
                values, size = self.decode_bin(['ASCIIZ'], raw[offset:])
                fld['FieldName'] = values[0]
                offset += size

                # Extract AliasName list
                fld['AliasName'] = []
                aliasname = b'00'
                # Alias names list terminator reached
                while aliasname != b'':
                    values, size = self.decode_bin(['ASCIIZ'], raw[offset:])
                    aliasname = values[0]
                    offset += size
                    if aliasname != b'':

                # Extract other mandatory field definition items
                types = ['ASCIIZ', 'ASCIIZ', 'ASCIIZ', 'UInt4', 'UInt4']
                values, size = self.decode_bin(types, raw[offset:])
                fld['Processing'] = values[0]
                fld['Units'] = values[1]
                fld['Description'] = values[2]
                fld['BegIdx'] = values[3]
                fld['Dimension'] = values[4]
                offset += size

                # Extract sub dimension (if any)
                fld['SubDim'] = []
                subdim = 1
                # sub-dimension list terminator reached
                while subdim != 0:
                    (subdim,), size = self.decode_bin(['UInt4'], raw[offset:])
                    offset += size
                    if subdim != 0:

                # append current field definition to list

                (fieldtype,), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
                offset += size
            # calculate table signature
            tblsig = self.compute_signature(raw[start:offset])

            # Append header, field list and signature to table definition list
            item = {'Header': tblhdr, 'Fields': tblfld, 'Signature': tblsig}
        return tabledef

    def parse_collectdata(self, raw, tabledef, fieldnbr=[]):
        '''Parse data returned by Collectdata Response.'''
        offset = 0
        recdata = []  # output structure

        while offset < len(raw) - 1:
            frag = {}  # record fragment

            values, size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2', 'UInt4'], raw[offset:])
            frag['TableNbr'], frag['BegRecNbr'] = values
            offset += size

            # Provide table name
            t_frag = tabledef[frag['TableNbr'] - 1]
            tablename = t_frag['Header']['TableName']
            frag['TableName'] = tablename

            # Decode number of records (16 bits) or ByteOffset (32 Bits)
            (isoffset,), size = self.decode_bin(['Byte'], raw[offset:])
            frag['IsOffset'] = isoffset >> 7

            # Handle fragmented records
            if frag['IsOffset']:
                (byteoffset,), size = self.decode_bin(['UInt4'], raw[offset:])
                offset += size
                frag['ByteOffset'] = byteoffset & 0x7FFFFFFF
                frag['NbrOfRecs'] = None
                # Copy remaining raw data into RecFrag
                frag['RecFrag'] = raw[offset:-1]
                offset += len(frag['RecFrag'])

            # Handle complete records (standard case)
                (nbrofrecs,), size = self.decode_bin(['UInt2'], raw[offset:])
                offset += size
                frag['NbrOfRecs'] = nbrofrecs & 0x7FFF
                frag['ByteOffset'] = None

                # Get time of first record and time interval information
                interval = t_frag['Header']['TblInterval']
                if interval == (0, 0):  # event-driven table
                    timeofrec = None
                    # interval data, read time of first record
                    [timeofrec], size = self.decode_bin(['NSec'], raw[offset:])
                    offset += size

                # Loop over all records
                frag['RecFrag'] = []
                for n in range(frag['NbrOfRecs']):
                    record = {}

                    # Calculate current record number
                    record['RecNbr'] = frag['BegRecNbr'] + n

                    # Get TimeOfRec for interval data or event-driven tables
                    if timeofrec:  # interval data
                        next_timeofrec = (timeofrec[0] + n * interval[0],
                                          timeofrec[1] + n * interval[1])
                        record['TimeOfRec'] = nsec_to_time(next_timeofrec)
                        # event-driven, time data precedes each record
                        values, size = self.decode_bin(['NSec'], raw[offset:])
                        record['TimeOfRec'] = values[0]
                        record['TimeOfRec'] = nsec_to_time(record['TimeOfRec'])
                        offset += size

                    # Loop over all field indices
                    record['Fields'] = {}
                    if fieldnbr:
                        # explicit field numbers provided
                        fields = fieldnbr
                        # default: generate list of all fields in table
                        fields = t_frag['Fields']
                        fields = range(1, len(fields) + 1)

                    for field in fields:
                        fieldname = t_frag['Fields'][field - 1]['FieldName']
                        fieldtype = t_frag['Fields'][field - 1]['FieldType']
                        dimension = t_frag['Fields'][field - 1]['Dimension']
                        if fieldtype == 'ASCII':
                            values, size = self.decode_bin([fieldtype],
                            record['Fields'][fieldname] = values[0]
                            values, size = \
                                self.decode_bin(dimension * [fieldtype],
                            record['Fields'][fieldname] = values[0]
                        offset += size


        # Get flag if more records exist
        (more_rec,), size = self.decode_bin(['Bool'], raw[offset:])
        return recdata, more_rec

    def __del__(self):

    def __str__(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        return '<%s %s>' % (name,

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s' % self.__str__()
The outcome of it is here from pycharm:

"C:\Program Files\Python310\python.exe" "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2021.3\plugins\python\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 50247 --file C:/Users/Makada/Desktop/
Connected to pydev debugger (build 213.5744.248)
Write: BD 90 01 58 02 00 01 08 02 09 01 00 02 07 08 F6 86 BD
Delivery failure.
Write: BD B0 01 18 02 00 01 08 02 0D 00 50 6D BD

Process finished with exit code 0
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