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Full Version: send a byte of data by bluetooth to arduino using python.
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I have to construct car that can move based on the result the code, so have to send byte of information by bluetooth(using the bluetooth module Hc -05) using python(currently using jupyter notebook, python 3). I've been trying for days with no luck. this are codes I've been using.

try with the socket library

import socket

serverMACAddress = '00:00:00:00:00:00'
port = 4
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_BLUETOOTH, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.BTPROTO_RFCOMM)
AttributeError: module 'socket' has no attribute 'AF_BLUETOOTH'F-8'))
And the serial and time library

import serial
import time

port="COM4" #This will be different for various devices,COM port.
bluetooth=serial.Serial(port, 9600)#Start communications with the bluetooth unit
bluetooth.flushInput() #This gives the bluetooth a little kick
bluetooth.write(b"A")#These need to be bytes not unicode
bluetooth.close() #Otherwise the connection will remain open until a timeout 

his is the 'C' code for the arduino

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial miBT(10,11);

void setup() {

  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
  if (miBT.available()>0) {


    if(input == 'B'){          //FORWARD ---- 
        digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(5, LOW);
        digitalWrite(4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(3, HIGH);

    if(input == 'A'){          //BACKWARD --- 
        digitalWrite(6, LOW);
        digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);

    if(input == 'C'){          //LEFT --- 
        digitalWrite(6, LOW);
        digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);

    if(input == 'D'){          //RIGHT --- 
        digitalWrite(5, LOW);
        digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);

    if(input == 'E'){          //STOP --- 
        digitalWrite(6, LOW);
        digitalWrite(5, LOW);
        digitalWrite(4, LOW);
        digitalWrite(3, LOW);
trying for days, i dont have a lot of coding skill.

for the hc05 is using the "COM4" or sending and "COM5" for recieving

HC-05 Arduino UNO
----- -----------
RX --> Pin 11
TX --> Pin 10
+5v --> +5v
Hi....It says zero is returned if no valid number is received in the timeout period. So it is not showing that your blue tooth is working.
In your Arduino code there is no need to convert incoming bytes into a string before printing it out.
Forget the parsInt at the moment and just print the raw data you get from the Bluetooth.