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Full Version: Tkinter Tic Tac Toe With Enhanced Features – Suggestions Invited
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As my first python project, I intend to develop an advanced version of Tic Tac Toe on Tkinter, incorporating enhanced features for better user experience.

I would be thankful for your kind suggestions regarding desirable features that could be considered for inclusion.

Certain items short listed so far, are mentioned below:
1 – Option for multiple board sizes (say 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7 & 8x8).

2 – Option for varying difficulty levels (i.e. computer strength) as follows – (options: 0 / 1 / 2, with default Level as 1):
Level 0 - Computer plays random moves and discontinues blocking opponents victory, after 50% slots get filled up
Level 1 - Computer plays optimum moves but discontinues blocking opponents victory, after 70% slots get filled up
Level 2 - Computer plays at full strength as follows:
(a) Firstly, go for immediate win if available.
(b) Otherwise, block opponent if on the verge of immediate win.
© Otherwise, pick up a move from shortest winning path available.

3 – Option to display running score (tot games, player wins, computer wins & draws).

4 – On computer’s move, brief blinking of selected slot. This can be a convenience as the board size gets larger.

5 – Option to start a fresh game when desired.

6 – Detect stalemate if a winning combination is no longer feasible for either player & announce the game as drawn, even though empty slots are still available. This can be a convenience as the board size gets larger.

7 – Overall space occupied by play board should remain constant. The size of individual play buttons gets adjusted accordingly as per the number of rows x columns selected.