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Hi guys, I am very intrigue with this behavior that i don't understand, so if anyone please explain to me why this happed please …
i wrote a python 2.7 C extension that performs some IO operations through the network, the operations include maintain a session with a server, so we process all network related routines in a C thread, and store the data received in a python dictionary. The problem is when we (from python) retrieve the data, it takes too much time, making this code:

mean = datetime.timedelta(0,0,0)
totalIteration = 300
for i in range(0, totalIteration):
    dt =
    z = iomodule.get_snapshot()
    mean += ( - dt)
When we run this, it takes 0.097 seconds of mean (divided between totalIteration), but if we make this:

mean = datetime.timedelta(0,0,0)
totalIteration = 300
for i in range(0, totalIteration):
    dt =
    z = iomodule.get_snapshot()
    mean += ( - dt)
    print z
It writes a lot, but what is surprising is that it takes 0.03 seconds of mean (divided between totalIteration), and we don’t figure out why is this.