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Full Version: Filter value from DataFrame apply a function and save to xlsx
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After read my df I need filter to get specific values then use a function, add a column in this new df then save to excel file.
import pandas as pd
colunas = ['Tipo_Lanc','UF','Fis/Jur','CNPJ','RAZAO_SOCIAL','NF','Data_Emissão','DT_Fiscal',
df = pd.read_excel('fat.xlsx', sheet_name='Geral')

# After read df, I need get this two peace of DataFrame
cfop_5403 = df[df['CFOP'] == 5403]
cfop_5102 = df[(df['CFOP'] == 5102)]

# But I need use this function before save to excel file
def substi_trib(x):

    if x['Monit/Liber'] == 'M':
        if (x['CAT_ANVISA'] == "Generico") | (x['CAT_ANVISA'] == "Similar"):
            return x['PMC']*x['QUANTIDADE']*0,50*0,17-x['ICMS']
        elif (x['CAT_ANVISA'] == "Outros") | (x['CAT_ANVISA'] == ""):
            return x['PMC']*x['QUANTIDADE']*0,90*0,17-x['ICMS']
        elif (x['CAT_ANVISA'] == "Referencia"):
             return x['PMC']*x['QUANTIDADE']*0,88*0,17-x['ICMS']
            return 0

    if x['Monit/Liber'] == 'L':
        return 1 + x['MVA'] * x['TOTAL_LIQ_NF'] * 0,17 - x['ICMS']
# How can I add acolumn and write a function result in this column, after save as sheet into excel file?
cfop_5403['col_test'] = cfop_5403.apply(substi_trib, axis=1)

# I would like write result in excel. 
with pd.ExcelWriter('teste.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as ex:
    cfop_5403.to_excel(ex, sheet_name='CFOP_5403', index=False)
    cfop_5102.to_excel(ex, sheet_name='CFOP_5102', index=False)
Thank you
I solved this.
I put my filter after function