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Command line to GUI!
Hi! I am working as a teacher in a school in Sweden. I have created a simpel program that takes a date and then calculates the next date. The dates are in a list and very simple takes the tenth date and prints it out in console. I would like to have a more usable program, GUI for this task, but i am struggeling to make it funktione.
#A list with possible dates for a visit  

visit2 = ["2019-10-14","2019-10-15","2019-10-16","2019-10-17","2019-10-18","2019-10-21","2019-10-22","2019-10-23","2019-10-24","2019-10-25","2019-11-07","2019-11-08","2019-11-14","2019-11-15","2019-11-21","2019-11-28","2019-11-29","2019-12-05","2019-12-06","2019-12-12","2019-12-13","2019-12-16","2019-12-17","2019-12-18","2019-12-19","2020-01-15","2020-01-16","2020-01-23","2020-01-24","2020-01-30","2020-01-31","2020-02-06","2020-02-07","2020-02-13","2020-02-14","2020-02-17","2020-02-18","2020-02-19","2020-02-20","2020-02-21","2020-03-02","2020-03-03","2020-03-04","2020-03-05","2020-03-06","2020-03-09","2020-03-10","2020-03-11","2020-03-12","2020-03-13","2020-03-19","2020-03-20","2020-03-26","2020-03-27","2020-04-02","2020-04-03","2020-04-09","2020-04-24","2020-04-30","2020-05-07","2020-05-08","2020-05-15","2020-05-25","2020-05-26","2020-05-27","2020-05-28","2020-05-29","2020-06-01","2020-06-02","2020-06-03","2020-06-04","2020-06-05"]

date = (input("When was the last visit?: Use YYYY-MM-DD syntax: ")) 

#When you done a visit and you done the input, next visit prints out in console , it should be aproximative every 10 day

print("Well the next visit should be at: "+visit2[visit2.index(date)+10])
The nerest i have come today whith tkinter and Qt is
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Dec 10 19:05:50 2019

@author: Mats

import tkinter
from tkinter import *

sizex = 400
sizey = 300

root.wm_geometry("%dx%d" % (sizex, sizey))

F1 = tkinter.Frame()

s = tkinter.Scrollbar(F1)
L = tkinter.Listbox(F1)

s.pack(side=tkinter.RIGHT, fill=tkinter.Y)
L.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, fill=tkinter.Y)

s['command'] = L.yview
L['yscrollcommand'] = s.set


for items in itemsforlistbox:


F2 = tkinter.Frame()
mats = tkinter.Label(F2)

def poll():
    mats.after(200, poll)
    sel = L.curselection()



And something similar with Qt
import sys

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QListWidget, QMessageBox, QApplication

class MyWindow(QWidget):
    """Main Window class for our application"""

    def __init__(self):
        """Class konstruktor"""


    def init_gui(self):
        """Skapa gränssnitt"""

        # Sätt fönsteregenskaper


        # Skapa listkontroll

        self.list_box = QListWidget(self)

        # Lägg till alternativ i listan


        for items in itemsforlistbox:

      #  for i in range(100):
       #     self.list_box.addItem("Alternativ %d" % i)

        # Sätt standardalternativet till rad 0


        # Koppla en händelsemetod till signal


    def on_current_row_changed(self, curr):
        """Hantera signalen currentRowChanged"""

        QMessageBox.information(self, "Meddelande", "Senaste besöket: " + str(curr))
        QMessageBox.information(self, "Meddelande", "Nästa besök: " + self.list_box.currentItem().text())

    def CurSelet(event):
        widget = event.widget
        picked = widget.get(selection[0]+10)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

    window = MyWindow()

Instead of the index, I want the value that is indexed.
An improvement for your date-finder.

def get_next_date(visit_dates, visit_after, next_visit=10):
    # this could convert visit_dates and visit_after from
    # iso8601 timestamp (str) to date objects
    # visit_dates = [ for d in visit_dates]
    # visit_after =
        # Exception 1: Item not in visit_dates -> ValueError
        #              The date was not in the list
        # Exception 2: Index > than length of list -> IndexError
        #              In this case, it comes from + 1
        #              Date was found, but no date after
        return visit_dates[visit_dates.index(visit_after) + next_visit]
        # If no Exception happens, it will return the result
    except (ValueError, IndexError):
        # Catching this two Exceptions
    # raise an ValueError instead of returning None or something else
    # Catch the ValueError Exception on the caller side.
    raise ValueError(f'No visit date after {visit_after}')
If you handle with workdays, repeating dates etc. you should look for dateutil
A tool to handle timezones: pendulum
Previous I used pytz, but I got the tip from here that pendulum is easier to use.

I did not look for the GUI-Code, but with a function you can handle it more dynamic.
Okay if I understood your question this would be what you were looking for -- note I cleaned up the code and made it more Pythonic and Qt-ish and added a few explanations why some things were changed
    from PySide2.QtCore    import Signal, Slot
    from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QVBoxLayout
    from PySide2.QtWidgets import QListWidget, QMessageBox
    from PyQt5.QtCore    import pyqtSignal as Signal
    from PyQt5.QtCore    import pyqtSlot   as Slot
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QListWidget, QMessageBox
class MyWindow(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
      # Do not use Super( ) it was made to handle a specific issue that 
      # rarely occurs and if you are not experiencing that rather specific
      # issue you are adding more potential issues by using Super( ) and
      # making your program more complex than it needs to be
        Top = 150;Left = 200;Width=400;Hight=200
        # Skapa listkontroll
        self.lstDates = QListWidget(self)
        # Lägg till alternativ i listan
        ItemsForListBox = self.GetDateList()
        # Sätt standardalternativet till rad 0
        # Koppla en händelsemetod till signal
        VBox = QVBoxLayout()

  # While you can get away with not using the Slot decorator it can cause
  # issues and not using it is just lazy coding
    def OnCurrentRowChanged(self, RowNum):
      # If doing simple debugging or proof of concept prints are simpler
        print('Meddelande : Senaste besöket : [',RowNum,']')
        print('Meddelande : Nästa besök : [',self.lstDates.currentItem().text(),']')
        print('Using the RowNum to Get Item Value [',self.lstDates.item(RowNum).text(),']')
      # Hantera signalen currentRowChanged
      #  Using str(Curr) might not get you want you want to know -- best to always just print
      #  the raw value (as done above) so you know exactly what you are getting
      #   QMessageBox.information(self, "Meddelande", "Senaste besöket: " + str(Curr))
      #   QMessageBox.information(self, "Meddelande", "Nästa besök: " + self.list_box.currentItem().text())

    def GetDateList(self):
      # Doing it this way so that how this List gets generated can be done as needed
      # without affecting the basic flow of the program
        DateList = ['2019-10-14','2019-10-15','2019-10-16','2019-10-17','2019-10-18','2019-10-21','2019-10-22','2019-10-23','2019-10-24','2019-10-25','2019-11-07','2019-11-08','2019-11-14','2019-11-15','2019-11-21','2019-11-28','2019-11-29','2019-12-05','2019-12-06','2019-12-12','2019-12-13','2019-12-16','2019-12-17','2019-12-18','2019-12-19','2020-01-15','2020-01-16','2020-01-23','2020-01-24','2020-01-30','2020-01-31','2020-02-06','2020-02-07','2020-02-13','2020-02-14','2020-02-17','2020-02-18','2020-02-19','2020-02-20','2020-02-21','2020-03-02','2020-03-03','2020-03-04','2020-03-05','2020-03-06','2020-03-09','2020-03-10','2020-03-11','2020-03-12','2020-03-13','2020-03-19','2020-03-20','2020-03-26','2020-03-27','2020-04-02','2020-04-03','2020-04-09','2020-04-24','2020-04-30','2020-05-07','2020-05-08','2020-05-15','2020-05-25','2020-05-26','2020-05-27','2020-05-28','2020-05-29','2020-06-01','2020-06-02','2020-06-03','2020-06-04','2020-06-05']

        return DateList.copy()
if __name__ == '__main__':
  # If not using Command Line arguments then you do not need sys.argv
  # and if using Command Line arguments use argparser library instead
    MainEventThread = QApplication([])

    MainApp = MyWindow()

  # This is the Qt5 way of handling it now
Thank's Denni!
That will do the trick!
There are something that i am trying to achieve. I want the
 print('Meddelande : Nästa besök : [',self.lstDates.currentItem().text(),']')
to print out
next_visit = DateList[DateList.index('CurrentRowChanged')+10]
So that the program take the input(currentrowchanged)and return 10 steps forward in the list.
I have used this very simple program
#A list with possible dates for a visit  

visit_dates = ["2019-10-14","2019-10-15","2019-10-16","2019-10-17","2019-10-18","2019-10-21","2019-10-22","2019-10-23","2019-10-24","2019-10-25","2019-11-07","2019-11-08","2019-11-14","2019-11-15","2019-11-21","2019-11-28","2019-11-29","2019-12-05","2019-12-06","2019-12-12","2019-12-13","2019-12-16","2019-12-17","2019-12-18","2019-12-19","2020-01-15","2020-01-16","2020-01-23","2020-01-24","2020-01-30","2020-01-31","2020-02-06","2020-02-07","2020-02-13","2020-02-14","2020-02-17","2020-02-18","2020-02-19","2020-02-20","2020-02-21","2020-03-02","2020-03-03","2020-03-04","2020-03-05","2020-03-06","2020-03-09","2020-03-10","2020-03-11","2020-03-12","2020-03-13","2020-03-19","2020-03-20","2020-03-26","2020-03-27","2020-04-02","2020-04-03","2020-04-09","2020-04-24","2020-04-30","2020-05-07","2020-05-08","2020-05-15","2020-05-25","2020-05-26","2020-05-27","2020-05-28","2020-05-29","2020-06-01","2020-06-02","2020-06-03","2020-06-04","2020-06-05"]

date = (input("When was the last visit?: Use YYYY-MM-DD syntax: ")) 

#When you done a visit and you done the input, next visit prints out in console , it should be aproximative every 10 day

print("Well the next visit should be at: "+visit_dates[visit_dates.index(date)+10])
The next step in my program would be to return "next_visit" in a popup window
Big Grin
After a little work, I think I solved the first issues i've had, thanks Denni!
Soon I might start fishing myself Wink
    from PySide2.QtCore    import Signal, Slot
    from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QVBoxLayout
    from PySide2.QtWidgets import QListWidget, QMessageBox
    from PyQt5.QtCore    import pyqtSignal as Signal
    from PyQt5.QtCore    import pyqtSlot   as Slot
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QListWidget, QMessageBox
class MyWindow(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
      # Do not use Super( ) it was made to handle a specific issue that 
      # rarely occurs and if you are not experiencing that rather specific
      # issue you are adding more potential issues by using Super( ) and
      # making your program more complex than it needs to be
        Top = 150;Left = 200;Width=250;Hight=200
        # Skapa listkontroll
        self.lstDates = QListWidget(self)
        # Lägg till alternativ i listan
        ItemsForListBox = self.GetDateList()
        # Sätt standardalternativet till rad 0
        # Koppla en händelsemetod till signal
        VBox = QVBoxLayout()
  # While you can get away with not using the Slot decorator it can cause
  # issues and not using it is just lazy coding
    def OnCurrentRowChanged(self, RowNum, next_visit=10):
      # If doing simple debugging or proof of concept prints are simpler
      # Messagebox that returns next visit
        NextVisit = self.GetDateList()
        QMessageBox.information(self, "APL-nästa :", " Nästa besök    " +str(NextVisit[NextVisit.index(self.lstDates.item(RowNum).text())+10] ))
        print('Meddelande : Senaste besöket : ',RowNum,)
        print('Meddelande : Nästa besök : ',self.lstDates.currentItem().text())
        print('Using the RowNum to Get Item Value ',self.lstDates.item(RowNum).text())

      # Hantera signalen currentRowChanged
      #  Using str(Curr) might not get you want you want to know -- best to always just print
      #  the raw value (as done above) so you know exactly what you are getting
      #   QMessageBox.information(self, "Meddelande", "Senaste besöket: " + str(Curr))
      #   QMessageBox.information(self, "Meddelande", "Nästa besök: " + self.list_box.currentItem().text())

    def GetDateList(self):
      # Doing it this way so that how this List gets generated can be done as needed
      # without affecting the basic flow of the program
        DateList = ['2019-10-14','2019-10-15','2019-10-16','2019-10-17','2019-10-18','2019-10-21','2019-10-22','2019-10-23','2019-10-24','2019-10-25','2019-11-07','2019-11-08','2019-11-14','2019-11-15','2019-11-21','2019-11-28','2019-11-29','2019-12-05','2019-12-06','2019-12-12','2019-12-13','2019-12-16','2019-12-17','2019-12-18','2019-12-19','2020-01-15','2020-01-16','2020-01-23','2020-01-24','2020-01-30','2020-01-31','2020-02-06','2020-02-07','2020-02-13','2020-02-14','2020-02-17','2020-02-18','2020-02-19','2020-02-20','2020-02-21','2020-03-02','2020-03-03','2020-03-04','2020-03-05','2020-03-06','2020-03-09','2020-03-10','2020-03-11','2020-03-12','2020-03-13','2020-03-19','2020-03-20','2020-03-26','2020-03-27','2020-04-02','2020-04-03','2020-04-09','2020-04-24','2020-04-30','2020-05-07','2020-05-08','2020-05-15','2020-05-25','2020-05-26','2020-05-27','2020-05-28','2020-05-29','2020-06-01','2020-06-02','2020-06-03','2020-06-04','2020-06-05']
        return DateList.copy()
if __name__ == '__main__':
  # If not using Command Line arguments then you do not need sys.argv
  # and if using Command Line arguments use argparser library instead
    MainEventThread = QApplication([])
    MainApp = MyWindow()
  # This is the Qt5 way of handling it now
Glad to hear that @elmatte and I think I got your friend request -- bit slow on responding US holidays here