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Full Version: I want to filter out words with one letter in a string (pig latin translator)
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How to create a function to ignore words with one letter in a string? I am trying to make a pig latin translator that can translate sentences but leaves words like "a" be. I've tried what I listed below, and get no errors, but it still adds "ay" on the end of one letter words. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong!

def piglatin(sentence):

    while len(sentence.split(' ')) > 1:
        return ' '.join(map(
            lambda str: str + 'ay' if str[0] in 'aeiou' else str[1:] + str[0] + 'ay',
            sentence.split(' ')
        if len(sentence.split()) < 1:
I'm also not sure if break should go at the end of loop.
For more explanation, this is what my program is doing now:
input: climb a tree
output: Limbcay aay reetay
What I want it do do:
output: Limbcay a reetay
If I understand correctly 'the translation' means that first character is moved to an end and 'ay' is added to all words which are longer than 1 letter.

One possibility to create translate function and then use it on all words in sentence.

def translate(word): 
    if len(word) == 1: 
        return word 
        return f'{word[1:]}{word[0].lower()}ay'
Then just:

>>> sentence = 'Climb a tree'                                                                                                                                                
>>> ' '.join([translate(word) for word in sentence.split()])                                                                                                                 
'limbcay a reetay'
This must be further developed. It will not work as expected with the punctuation at the end of sentence and there is no rules for capitalisation of words.