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My teacher requirement is to use format() function to display the result of the division to 2 decimal places and inform the user that only 2 decimal places are being shown but I have a problem with that.
Is there any way that when I do the division, for example, 7.5/3 will show 2.5 instead of 2.50? Because when I run the code it just only shows 2.50 not 2.5
'''This program demonstrated input,output and numeric operations
Created by Khanh Cao
name=input("What is your name? ")
firstnumber=float(input("Enter first number: "))
secondnumber=float(input("Enter second number: "))
sum=firstnumber + secondnumber
minus=firstnumber - secondnumber
times=firstnumber * secondnumber
divide=firstnumber / secondnumber
remainder=firstnumber % secondnumber
print ("The sum of", firstnumber, "and",secondnumber,"is: ",sum)
print (firstnumber, "minus", secondnumber, "is: ", minus)
print (firstnumber, "times", secondnumber, "is: ", times)
print (firstnumber, "divided", secondnumber, "is: ", format(divide,'.2f'))
print (divide, "rounded to 2 decimal places is: ", format(divide, '.2f'))
print ("The remainder of dividing", firstnumber,"and", secondnumber, "is: ",remainder)
2.50 is 2 decimal places. "Decimal places" are the numbers to the right of the decimal. 2.5 is 1 decimal place.

Your '.2f' is telling python to chop of everything beyond two places.

Allow me to suggest this page as additional reading.
There are also pretty good examples at If one wants to master strings it's also necessary to be acquainted with f-strings.