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Full Version: update a variable in parent window after closing its toplevel window
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i want to update my variable in parent window when i close its toplevel window.
i cretaed a function "new_window"...this function creates a new window(Demo2 class) ...demo2 is a sample of Demo2 class...the "demo2.destroyed" is a variable for understanding whether the toplevel window was closed or not....
i recieved this error " 'int' object is not iterable"
please help

my code is:
def new_window(self):
        demo2 = Demo2(self.master, self.var_sent)
        def check_demo2():
            if demo2.destroyed:
                global fasele
                global counter
                counter += fasele
                self.master.after(100, check_demo2)

added opening python code tag :-)
You could also consider to use the module 'Publisher'. Prepare a publisher in the toplevel window that sends a message in case of being destroyed (or a publisher at the same point where you give the command to destroy, if this is elsewhere) and a listener in your demo2. This will 'eavesdrop' continually.
(Mar-12-2017, 05:10 PM)merlem Wrote: [ -> ]You could also consider to use the module 'Publisher'. Prepare a publisher in the toplevel window that sends a message in case of being destroyed (or a publisher at the same point where you give the command to destroy, if this is elsewhere) and a listener in your demo2. This will 'eavesdrop' continually.

this program understand when the toplevel window is closed...but the parent window (that is a class) can not update the value of the variable that gets from the toplevel window
I'm not sure whether I really understand this problem.
However, if the publisher is not a solution, it would be helpful to know in which line of your code the error occurs. I can't assing that until now.
If the window has a parent, then it isn't the toplevel window.
Quote:If the window has a parent, then it isn't the toplevel window

This is true logically, but tkinter has a Toplevel window which can have a parent

Toplevel(master=None, **options)
(class) [#]
>>> zz = tk.Tk()
>>> f1 = tk.Frame(zz)
>>> t1 = tk.Toplevel(f1)
>>> zz.mainloop()
So here, the frame f1 is the parent of Toplevel t1