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Full Version: input multiples images into specific cells with data
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I am in pretty new to this scene and hope to learn more. I am from the semiconductor field. The question i  ask is about making a picture collage with numbers  

I will need to insert multiples images into excel. Each image is taken from a particular die of the wafer. The image file name ( e.g. filenameX1Y1 and filenameX0Y-2)  consist of the coordinates of the die on the wafer. The images are in jpg format. if i were to insert the pictures manually to excel to its respective cell ( to simulate the location of the wafer), it will take a long time. 

( to make things simple, 1 die  = 1 image, although it can be more, but they are name differently) ( for eg filenameX1Y1 and file2nameX1Y1)

The coordinates  for example varies from X = -6 to X = 6 and Y from -7 to 7 ( that 100+ images)

Together with the images is a csv file. The csv file has data that is also tagged to the coordinates of the wafer. similarly there are also more than 1 data tagged to each die

the ultimate output is to create an excel  with 1) picture collage together with its 2) corresponding data in excel ( or u have better suggestion). of cause the collage only consist of 1 image per die and one data per die

I have read about some excel package eg xlsxwriter and image package like pillow. can it be use for my above desired application?

furthermore will the above package work in conjunction with panda? I will also want to include some data analysis ( average, max , min, 3 sigma, range and plotting of a heatmap)

Hence may i seek the assistance of expert here how am i going to start.
Here's a doc on doing it manually:

And here's how to automate it into excel: