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Full Version: How to get previous non empty value of another column
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I'm trying to get the previous non-empty value of another column.

Sample of my data frame
import pandas as pd
table = pd.DataFrame(data = {'CustName':['Customer A','','','Customer B','',''],
I'm expecting a table like this
CustName CustNameNew Value 0 Customer A Customer A 1500 1 Customer A 1400 2 Customer A 9000 3 Customer B Customer B 9000 4 Customer B 9000 5 Customer B 1600
Can someone help me to create "CustNameNew" column through a function using the previous non-empty value of "CustName"?
Managed to do this

table['CustName'].replace('', np.nan,  inplace=True)

table['CustName'].fillna(method ='pad',  inplace=True)
CustName Value 0 Customer A 1500 1 Customer A 1400 2 Customer A 9000 3 Customer B 9000 4 Customer B 9000 5 Customer B 1600