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Full Version: help with sys.get_frame
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This is the code:

def date_parser(date):
    while True:
            checked_date = datetime.strptime(date,'%d %b %Y')
            caller = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name
            check = input(f"You have entered {checked_date}. Is this correct? y/n ")
            if check == 'y':
                if caller == 'birth_date' or 'date_parser':
                    if checked_date <=
                        return checked_date

                        z = input("Cannot have date after today. Please re-enter date. ")
                        return date_parser(z)
                     return checked_date

def birth_date(date):
   return date_parser(date)
def expiry_date(date):
   return date_parser(date)

birth_date = birth_date("16 May 2023")
expiry_date = expiry_date("26 Jun 2022")
When the code is run, birth_date correctly runs the else loop (can't enter a birth date in the future) but expiry_date also runs the else loop. I (obviously) need the code to accept an expiry date into the future.

The reason I decided to use the sys.get_frame method to check the caller is because the remaining branch of the def_parser function is quite long and it seems very repetitive to create two separate ,long, and almost identical, functions just because the caller is different.

What have I missed here?

Thanks in advance
It's better and much easier to help if you could post code that we can run.
All imports,no cut of code and with Traceback or output that's wrong.
On line 9 you have a Common pitfall.
Thanks for the reply. It was line 9 after all!

I will remember to post a functional code next time.